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Is there ever any "storyline" after you get the end credits?... I mean... It seems (so far) to be just random missions... o_O


Soul Trainer
There is a slight bit of a storyline but not much. You have to buy certain friend areas to make things happen and you can also go and visit ekans and medicham. They end up telling you about wish cave and how medicham is trapped there. After that you talk to them in the town centre and they say that havent seen gengar in a while. Then do any mission and after that gengar will be outside your house and you try to break the curse to turn him back into a human.


>.< I eat children..
Other than that it really plummets, which is somewhat annoying...

flame fox

Unown Researcher
yea i hate how there is no story after you beat it but i hate more how you cant be with your partner every where like it used to be


Well-Known Member
yea the storyline isnt as good after the credits


Beginning Trainer
Yah... I hate the way how your partner dosen't greet you everyday anymore...


fredfredburger yes!
but if you said no to your partner could you stay with him? your every time you try to go to a dungeon he'll just keep saying the same thing until you say yes?


Well-Known Member
but if you said no to your partner could you stay with him? your every time you try to go to a dungeon he'll just keep saying the same thing until you say yes?

No. As soon as you finish any dungeon, the partner will just leave and you wake up next day alone. There is nothing stopping it unless you stop doing missions forever.


fredfredburger yes!
ok that would be boring. sigh i miss cyndaqauil waking me up every morning and saying lets do your best! or good morning Sy!
You rarely get to even hear yourself. I wish they had a better storylline after the credits roll. Its almost like your partner goes away.


fredfredburger yes!
yeah and if when you evolve they take away your icon pictures! i used to like those!
This is why there should be a sequel. Or at the least, an expansion. The storyline was too short. When I bought the game, I thought that you had to defeat all of the legendaries to beat the game, but you only had to beat a handful.

So that was a letdown. Then there wasn't much to do after the credits. <3 Though I did enjoy the Gengar mission. Anything to see my bishie again. *glomps Gengar*


Storm of Fire
Yeah, I miss Chidori(Pikachu) waking me up. There's barely any storyline after the credits(Just bosses and junk) And your Partner does all the Talking for you in the events. -_- One of the only time you hear yourself is when you arrive home.


Gust of Wind
apart from breaking gengar's curse, nothing much