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Strange Breeding

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Grass Pokemon Guru
I was breeding my milotic with my bagon so i can be almost finished with my experiment and when my egg hatched my feebas new a couple of the moves i wanted it to know and then protect......and it isnt even on the egg movve list for milotic

has anyone else breed a move that wasn't on the egg move list before or are the lists just not complete


Back I guess??


Grass Pokemon Guru
protect isn't a tm and usually feebas DOn't learn protect .... the learn what is on their egg move list

Pokemon Legend Tamer

Rookie Trainer
I got an Lotad with Fire/ice/thunder Punch I mean all off them & Surf


Master of Charizard
...What did you breed to get THAT?

King of Rhinos

don't worry, Im here
i bred a snorlax with a ditto and the baby new fire blast, rest, amnesia and body slam, but the only diff between dad and baby was that dad knew snore and baby knew amnesia

King of Rhinos

don't worry, Im here
i bred a snorlax with a ditto and the baby new fire blast, rest, amnesia and body slam, but the only diff between dad and baby was that dad knew snore and baby knew amnesia
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