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strange occurance while restarting my game


Well-Known Member
well, i restarted my sapphire, and while i did the restart 2 times i went and traded over my torchic and midkip to firered. now i traded them back and as i started using them for some reason they wont obey any commands and our acting nutty. do i need a certain badge or whats up?


um, and stuff
Yep get the second badge or trade them to FR and breed eggs to hatch that way they always obey you


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info, i was flipping out thinking what the hell, lol im gonna get the next badge.


I like mangos!
How is it possible to trade them over if you havent beaten the E4 and put the ruby and Sapphire items on the machine in 1 island? =S


Completing The Trio
^ in ruby and sapphire you never needed to beat the elite four to trade to fire red or leaf green or to get johto pokemon, you only need to do the things i just mentioned in emerald.

oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
i did this trick with my ruby to have all three starters except my squad was

treeko egg
torchic egg

this was before petal burg woods, by the way.