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Well-Known Member
I have a sceptile that knows Rock smash, Dig, Leaf blade, and cut, when my frined wanted me to trade him a treeko I bred my Sceptile and... the baby knew cut ( HM so of course ), Dig ( ITS NOT A EGG MOVE IT IS NOT HOW STRANGE ), and Cut ( HM again... ) and Leer ( of course )... But How does a baby treeko know Dig if its not a egg move...and i bred my lvl 55 male sceptile with a ditto;egg; ---->;252;


Well-Known Member
Ummm because egg moves are moves only obtainable on that pokemon via breeding, there are also inherited moves say you breed a male salamence that knows dragon claw with a ditto, the bagon will inherit moves from it's father so it will be hatched with dragon claw. This is what happened with your sceptile.


Team Awesome
TM moves like dig can be bred onto the baby pokemon from the parent, as can HM moves. I know you can't breed move tutor moves that the pokemon doesn't learn otherwise, though, because I've tried. :(

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
Heh I've hatched some Torchic a few years ago that had Flamethower, Rocksmash, and Strentgh.
Tms moves pass on too, I passed on Earthquake to my Onix along with Explosion, Iron Tail, and Rock Slide


sounds like hte treeko inherited the moves. if u breed a charzaird that has blast burn does the charmainder know blastburn?


Furret rocks
I think if the father Pokemon knows a TM that the offspring can learn, then the offspring would be born with that TM.

Treecko can learn Dig.


Furret rocks
I think if the father Pokemon knows a TM that the offspring can learn, then the offspring would be born with that TM.

Treecko can learn Dig.
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