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Well-Known Member
I have a sceptile that knows Rock smash, Dig, Leaf blade, and cut, when my frined wanted me to trade him a treeko I bred my Sceptile and... the baby knew cut ( HM so of course ), Dig ( ITS NOT A EGG MOVE IT IS NOT HOW STRANGE ), and Cut ( HM again... ) and Leer ( of course )... But How does a baby treeko know Dig if its not a egg move...and i bred my lvl 55 male sceptile with a ditto;egg; ---->;252; ;o


Come along, dear
This is becasue Dig is a TM move and if the father of the egg knows a TM mmove that the baby would be able to learn, it get's passed down to it.

You posted this twice.


Well-Known Member
because TM's are passed down if there able to be used by the baby


fuk yo couch ***** !
did you say it learned cut twice ?
cos if it did then it's glitched. id be more worried about that than dig mate.
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