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Lan challenges you!
I was training my new shiny caterpie and at level 6 she had 12 attack points
When it evolved, I checked the stats, and the newly metapod had only 6(it halved) how can this be?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
This is because Metapod has a lower Base Attack stat--Caterpie's is 30, Metapod's is 20. It'll get better once it's a Butterfree. :p


Strawberry fields.
Come on? Either you're new to the world of Pokémon, or you're severely challenged. Maybe it sounds mean, but come on!


Well-Known Member
Don't be rude with him, I have 1 year of experience in Pokémon, but I never look the stats, I only pay attention to the moves that my Pokémon has. I been like this, I'm realy good.


Lan challenges you!
*coughshinyuberbutterfreecough* Now is a SunnyBeamer with HP fire and Psychic...
Why does this happens to me? In XD I snagged a shiny butterfree with morning sun!!!