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strategy with Ditto


Well-Known Member
I REALLY Want a Ditto in my team, and used one briefly before replacing him with a Kangaskhan.

This is mainly because I wasn't sure which stats to max out and which nature would be best for the little pink blob of unlimited possibilities.

I thought speed would be a good place to start, and defence .. and that a jolly nature might work well but I just wanted to check with other people about their experiences, see what their points of view might be.

If you think this thread should be closed/moved into another thread then I'd appreciate it if you could say so.

HENNYway, yeah, what do you guys say about DITTO?tahnks


I have a strategy for Ditto.

Don't use it. xd

Ditto @ Metal Powder/Leppa Berry
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd I guess.


Completing The Trio
if your going to use ditto just max out its speed and defense
Jolly ?Hell no ,with 48 base speed he is not going to be faster anyway ,just use a (sp)defence boosting nature that reduces his attack (Dunno ,but ditto mite get confused and then he will hit himself not so hard) And don't wast evs or teh nature for speed ,just do all evs in hp and both defences !


As Ditto can morph into any pokemon, surely there is no 'right' place to put his EVs, since what is 'right' will depend on the pokemon you transform into. But I would be inclined to put them mainly in speed, so you can use at least one attack before you die ;)


Crazy Trainer
Definately put EVs into HP, since HP is the one stat that doesn't change when it transforms.


Well-Known Member
see thats my view, speed so you can transform fast with out getting pwnd right off.

besides he's handy for learning a foes moves.

also if you send the opponent to sleep then whap him in play .. I dunno, I just like the idea of using the opponents pokemon against them. I'm thinking of using a castform too.

HP and defence makes sense though so if you can't outrun someone at least they won't drain loads of your health..

and I understand that with ditto there is no correct way of using him as itt varies depending on the opponent, I just wanted to keep him alive long enough to transform. =u-


I'm not sure any of it's stats change when it transforms. ._.

But I wouldn't know. I don't use Ditto except for IVs.

@DarkSpectrum: Obviously not xd. I got quite clamped there :p
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Shadow Amongst Light
I have a strategy for Ditto.

Don't use it. xd

Ditto @ Metal Powder/Leppa Berry
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd I guess.

Obviously you don't know how to use a ditto.
the only natures that would be acceptable on a fighting ditto would be
jolly (+speed, -spatk)
timid (+speed, -atk)
Bold (+def, -atk)
Impish (+def, -spatk)
Don't worry about the attacks being lowered because when you use transform, EVERY stat except for HP is replaced with the stat of the pokemon you copy. You want to be able to tranform quickly so that you might be able to transform and then attack while only gettin hit once. Up def and not spdef because ditto's weakness is fighting and that's is regular..... upping special defense would only work if you know the type of pokemon you're going against.
ALWAYS MAX OUT DITTO'S HP! It is the only stat that is not copied so it matters the most. The next stats you ev train in depend on how you feel you'll fare in battle. Either max Speed if you think you can get the transform quicker or split the ev's between the defenses. These evs will be put aside when you transform so don't worry anymore than you have to about them.
Metal powder is usually best on a ditto because it helps protect it so it can effectively transform. Leftovers is about the only other option because everything else is situated on what pokemon you transform into.


Furret rocks
I'd bung EV's into HP and Speed, meself.


Well-Known Member
dark spectrum you legend

thanks for that, gave me quite the insight

I think I'll train two, a fast one and a solid one, for what ever situations they need appear in. for now though (I'm still beating the game) he can relax in the PC.

If anyone else has anything else to add then it's welcome, thanks to everyone that's helped out "U''' ''


Well-Known Member
transform and you have their moves

that reminds actually, when you transform can you check your stats to see what the opponents stats are? or are they still dittos regular stats?


Gust of Wind
i highly suggest max out speed and defenses


Well-Known Member
A best strategy for Ditto is = DO NOT USE IT!!!!

But if you really want to use that little pink blob that transfor into anything then I suggest you put EVs in HP and both defense stats

Ditto @ Leppa Berry
252 HP (EV)
129 Def (EV)
129 Sp-Def (EV)

But still won't be any decent.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I'd put ev in HP and speed too. Ditto needs these a lot.