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Struggling to find 6th pokémon


Struggling to find 6th pokémon

My online team, which has secured a few wins so far is in need of help. I can't seem to decide on the 6th pokémon and change it intermittantly between battles. My current team is as follows, the 6th pokémon up for suggestions:

Rash- EV 255 SP.ATT, 255 SPEED, 4 HP

Ice Beam,
Lovely Kiss,
Psychic &
Water Pulse.

Bashful- EV 255 SP.ATT, 255 SPEED, 4HP

Hyper Beam,
Confuse Ray,
Flamethrower &

Naughty- EV 255 ATT, 255 SPEED, 4 HP

Fire Punch,
Ice Punch,
Thunderbolt &
Quick Attack.

Modest- EV 255 SP.DEF, 255 HP, 4 SP.ATT

Sleep Talk,
Ice Beam &

Jolly- EV 255 ATT, 255 SPEED, 4 HP

Dragon Claw &
Swords Dance.


Seelix as a tank?

I had considered Steelix earlier on, but the lack of special defence worried me. That mixed with it's lack of speed mean it can be taken advantage of. Tangrowth has the same problem, even though its high hp and sp.attack are it's good points.
Electrivire: Ice Punch / Thunderbolt / Earthquake / Brick Break

Fire Fang over Substitute for Garchomp.


The moveset Im using for my Electrivire is not favourable, no, but I mainly play the double battle scene and I think it's moveset works well to cover the pokémon it's in play with. Thank you for the input though. I will definately consider the fire fang.
You should for those Ice Pokemon. And you should put that Electrivire moveset, it owns.

And your Milotic's nature isn't the best one, neither are its EV's. Will you consider breeding? And EV's should be: 200 HP / 200 Def / 104 SDef / 6 SAtk


You should for those Ice Pokemon. And you should put that Electrivire moveset, it owns.

And your Milotic's nature isn't the best one, neither are its EV's. Will you consider breeding? And EV's should be: 200 HP / 200 Def / 104 SDef / 6 SAtk

Thanks for the input. I had considered the breeding for a new milotic, but the one I have seems to work pretty well for me... and it's a shiny that I wanted to show off. I apreciate that its not the best, but why change something that's not broken eh? :)
As regards to fire fang, Im yet to come across an ice pokémon used in the competetive scene. Usually I see pokémon that know ice beam instead. That's not saying it's useless... I think I'm gonna change to fire fang instead.
how about mothim
Oh...Shiny Milotic? And Modest. You are one lucky person to find a nature that isn't the best, but is still quite good.