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Stuck in the Pokemon World...


Just a small thought that crossed my mind - If you were trapped in the land of Pokemon, what would you do? Where would you start? What Pokemon would you have? Oh, and just to make it interesting, you may only have three 'mon.

I'd start with the three Johto starters (and evolve them), and I'd like to begin my journey in Violet City.

Any you?


I'd do whatever comes to my mind. Whether it's just catching or battling Gym Leaders, I do whatever I feel is good for me.

I'd have Lucario, Metagross, and Swampert. My favorites will always be my favorites, regardless of whether or not they're near impossible to get.

If possible, I'd keep a Jirachi in place of Lucario =P
it would be a dream come true

but why only three pokemon? surely we could buy more pokeballs?

anyway, assuming I had some method of catching them, I'd get a Zubat and evolve it quick.
then I'd get a horsea, and eventually evolve it into kingdra
finally I'd look for a houndour.

then I'd have 6 types - perfect n__n

I'd probably start in celadon or saffron city.




Actually, I'd probably rather have the final evolutions of the Shin'ou starters. They're much better in terms of strategy, and it'd be quite funny to shock the Johto folks with my new fangled "Super-mon".


Don't Blink
It would, like miiche~ said, be a dream come true. I'd quite like to be a Lucario, or if not, I'd like to have a Rioru(evolve), Poochyena(coz I love Wolves) and...um...Mantine. There. Three Pokemon I really like, with a variety of attacks. I think Mightyena should be able to learn Thunderbolt and Flamethrower, as it can learn 'The Fangs'. I think I would be a Breeder, but I would still participate in Gyms and Contests. I would want to travel with some Friends. And, if I could be allowed a fourth, I would like a Grass~Type, like a Baby Celebi, who I could train to be strong like the others.
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Yukimenoko <3
I would start in celedon or goldenrod city.
With a misdreavus.. For pure fun and wit.
a Miltank. For warmth.
a Corsola for.. for something beautiful to look at. :)


ill take all 3 kanto starters and start in my own region


Eevee Trainer
I'd start in Goldenrod or Littleroot as a trainer, but I think I'd try to be a breeder or daycare specialist on the side. My three pokemon would be Eevee, Houndour, and Mudkip.

Dan CiTi

Well-Known Member
Start in Johto, conquer Kanto, own Hoenn, dominate in Shinou, and be a Frontier master. As for my first pokemon it'd be totodile, treecko, charmander, rioru, pochama, & korinku.


Sometimes a bit rude
Well, I'm assuming this would happen, considering the Pokemon Regions are based on places in Japan...

Well, I'd say bye to my family, along with the goldeen, magikarp and ekans in my house (based off of my brother's pets) and I'd then start off at a lab in Edinburgh (the place I'd expect a lab in Scotland, plus, I live right across the Firth of Forth from it ^^) and get a starter, probably a Chikorita, then, eventually, I'd steal a Korinku and a Naetoru from a zoo (because in my climate, they wouldn't be in the wild), and Pidgey in a town square. Then, I'd maybe get a growlithe from my grandparents (they have a dog IRL) and maybe a nidoran male.
Eventually, I'd join the criminal orginisation, only to be confronted by my little brother, who uses his Arbok, Gyarados and Seaking (because they evolved), I defeat him, and eventually see the light, bringing down the orginisation.
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