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stupid comments


Time Lord Victorious
I have seen on this forum that there are people that make stupid comments. One for example is that, "We don't need a G/S/C remake since we already have all the Pokemon in the other games." Since when was Pokemon about getting all those 500+ monsters? If there was a G/S/C remake it would be for nostalgia. They made FR/LG for nostalgia. They could of just made another Pokemon game with Kanto Pokemon, but they wanted to make the fans happy. Nintendo knows that lots of people consider the 2nd Generation as the best generation, and since they can get money out of it. They'll make a G/S/C remake. We don't need your stupid comments about that we already have all the Pokemon. At this point of time, it's impossible to have your Pokedex completely full, and if you do, you spend too much time playing Pokemon games.

Who else knows some stupid comments?
How hard is it to understand that the only reason Nintendo made FR/LG was so people could catch all the pokemon? This is blantantly obvious, and if you can't realize this, you have problems.

So no, it wasn't for nostalgia, as you stupidly assumed.


Long time no see
I think that it was a great idea, they got hold of the younger generation a revived the 2nd gen pokemon....i like the idea.


How hard is it to understand that the only reason Nintendo made FR/LG was so people could catch all the pokemon? This is blantantly obvious, and if you can't realize this, you have problems.

So no, it wasn't for nostalgia, as you stupidly assumed.

QFT (10char)


Well-Known Member
The only pokemon u cant catch in DP are the starters and legendaries. But I would love a GSC remake