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Stupid, Funny, Interesting, Weird, Uncommon and Unobvious Pokemon Facts


Rev up those fryers

Rayquaza Master777

#1 May Fanboy


Well-Known Member
There's no solid evidence either way for Pikachu's gender. There's suggestions for both sides, but nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of pikachu's gender I believe it's a male I think there was an episode where it was called a he.

has anyone tried to put a missingno on d/p/p or pbr?

Anyways... Shaymin a hedgehog suddenly turns int a fox looking creature when it comes int contact with it. Maybe its radioactive?
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Brains for brawn
has anyone tried to put a missingno on d/p/p or pbr?
...You're joking, right?

Missingno. was a glitch in the 1st Generation games, and there is no way to transfer Pokémon from the 1st or 2nd Generations to the 3rd and 4th Generations due to a data incompatibility. Therefore, is no way to get a Missingno. onto a 4th Generation game. Unless, of course, you are referencing one of the 3rd and 4th Generation glitch Pokémon; but they are completely different from Missingno.


Fail on a Stick
Brock was originally thought of being taken off because the creators thought that having him was racist -_-;

And yet they gave no thought to Jynx, Alakazam, Probopass, and Ludicolo? Those are definitely racial stereotype Pokemon.


Brains for brawn
Jynx was changed; in the first Generation (and Gold and Silver in Japan), her skin was pure black. It was changed to purple later.

I don't see how Alakazam and Probopass are stereotypes. Well, maybe. Alakazam is the really enigmatic one.


Your Big Buff Bro
(I Apologize if anyone else said this)

The Legendary Birds are named after Spanish Numbers (also know they are in order by the sp. number and poke num.) and Themed Places

#144 (Bird 1) Articuno > Artic (Ice) & Uno (1)
#145 (Bird 2) Zapdos > Zap (Shock) & Dos (2)
#146 (Bird 3) Moltres > Molt (Magma) & Thres (3)

Oh, this one seems classic from the Abra family:


I believe Mudkip is a combination of a Fish and a Frog.
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Hydreigon FTW!!!!!!!
If Sharpedo(;319;) is called "The bully of the sea", then why doesnt it attack other pokemon? It seems more gentle than you think. Why can Meganium (;154;) breathe on dead plants and they grow back to life? Why is Relicanth (;369;) a water, rock pokemon and its weak to water? Im just asking these questions for fun so if you really want to answer them you can

Bobby Frank JR

Mewy Christmas!
Magikarp used to be the most powerful pokemon ever.

Cyber Robert

Shockingly Lovely
I apologize if anyone has already said this but in the anime most if not all Meganium are often referred to as female pokemon when in the games there are supposed to be more males than females.....


Dragon Goddess Flyder
This has to be the best reply to this thread ever.

And Kadabra is heavier than Alakazam because he loses that tail when he evolves.

Final note, Dunsparce is the most useless pokemon. Crap movepool and no evo. Why is it even a pokemon?

Final note to this, in the 2nd gen games, a guy trusts his only pokemon to you after the rest were stolen.

Sonic Boom

@JohanSSB4 Twitter
Fact: Munchlax was the first Gen 4 Pokemon confirmed
Fact: A whole mess of Munchlax merchandise has been featured, and it even got
cameos in spin-off titles, and it was even captured by one of the series' protagonists before the Emerald Battle Frontier was even referenced in the
Fact: In D/P, Munchlax is THE HARDEST POKEMON to find, pre- and post-National Dex, with a 1% chance of finding it in honey trees that you must wait to reset every 6 hours

Think about that for awhile....I actually found a SHINY Combee before Munchlax reared its fat head to me........150 hours of gameplay later......
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Cel: Bite was a Normal type move in the first generation...


Groudon is currently the heaviest pokemon. He's also weak to grass, despite breathing fire and all that. I'll just say one thing. NEVER use Groudon against a pokemon that knows Grass Knot!


Rev up those fryers
Final note, Dunsparce is the most useless pokemon. Crap movepool and no evo. Why is it even a pokemon?

DIE! Dunsparce is severly underrated. I'll use my Dunsparce in a battle with you. By taking advantage of serene grace, headbutt, and thunder wave, you will not be able to attack 85% of the time. Now tell me ;206; is uselss.
(I'm a Dunsparce fan in case you can't tell)

Why is Relicanth a water, rock pokemon and its weak to water?
Relicanth isn't weak to water.

In the anime? He/she/it is always referred to as "it."
There's no solid evidence either way for Pikachu's gender. There's suggestions for both sides, but nothing more.

Ash has called Pikachu "he" and "him" on several occasions.
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~Dark Trainer~
People still think Pikachu's a girl.
it's sad...I know...

other stuff:
despide being the sun pkmn,espeon can't learn solar beam
Every single Pokédex entry for Flareon mentions its ability to cope or attack with high temperatures.
In Generation I, Flareon's base Attack stat was the second highest at 130, tied with Kingler, Rhydon, and Machamp, and surpassed by Dragonite.