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stupid question about connecting 2 gba...

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uh can anyone explain how this actually works ? Do I need like a cable that im supposed to buy or something ? and lets say i connect an Emerald game with a fire red game, where am I supposed to go ? i think its the pokecenter ? lol i dont really know :-/ can any please explain how this thing works. thx :) and i know probably 98% of this board knows this.. but hey I live far and dunno :(

Evanji Axu

There's a Link Cable. You can buy it at places like Best Buy and probably the gaming department of most department stores.

And for Emerald only, you can use a Wireless Adapter.


Get a GBA Link Cable at a game store or something. Then go to the second floor of a Pokemon Center, and ask one of the girls (Trade OR Battle),and do what you want. Remember, on FireRed you have to have gotten the Ruby and Sapphire plates in order to trade.


ah ok

and where/how do I get those ruby/sapphire plates ?

thx for this info its really useful :)

PokeMaster JOE

Pokemon Master
AlexDaSlayer said:
ah ok

and where/how do I get those ruby/sapphire plates ?

thx for this info its really useful :)

on fire red /leaf green you get them by completing a mission after the elite 4, look on the faq on this site.


Evanji Axu said:
There's a Link Cable. You can buy it at places like Best Buy and probably the gaming department of most department stores.

And for Emerald only, you can use a Wireless Adapter.
no...firered and leafgreen can also use wireless adapter to link...


vcbdtm said:
no...firered and leafgreen can also use wireless adapter to link...
Obviously they can be linked together via the wireless adapter, and by link cable also.

Alex, the way you ask how to get the ruby and sapphire plates, I get the impression you havent even defeated the elite four. And you can trade with firered/leafgreen any time you like, however you cant trade johto or hoenn pokemon over(like blaziken). You cant trade with a ruby/sapphire game even if you only wanted to give kanto pokemon until you get the network machine running(again, look on the main site for more details).


oh ok thx thats what I wanted to know

oh and btw, I havent played firered or leaf green yet.. so thats why I was unaware of the plates... Im currently playing Emerald at the battle frontier..

oh one last question. I actually dont understand the wireless thing. is it some other gadget im supposed to buy ? :-/ or its already in the gameboy ? I dont get it. lol

but thx a lot, ill look up the rest of the info
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