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Submerged Embassy

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Aura Trainer
User Name: TheBluePorygon
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: PS: OptimusPory
Reason for Joining: currently clanless and I want a place to chill when I visit the forums
Referred by: nadie
Timezone (in GMT: gmt-5
Battle Experience (0-10): 8/10 in BW/BW2 0/10 in XY
Additional Comments?:

Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here. :)
User Name: TheBluePorygon
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: PS: OptimusPory
Reason for Joining: currently clanless and I want a place to chill when I visit the forums
Referred by: nadie
Timezone (in GMT: gmt-5
Battle Experience (0-10): 8/10 in BW/BW2 0/10 in XY
Additional Comments?:

hi person. welcome =]


User Name: TheBluePorygon
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: PS: OptimusPory
Reason for Joining: currently clanless and I want a place to chill when I visit the forums
Referred by: nadie
Timezone (in GMT: gmt-5
Battle Experience (0-10): 8/10 in BW/BW2 0/10 in XY
Additional Comments?:

welcome fren :}


Blaziken Ninja
User Name: TheBluePorygon
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: PS: OptimusPory
Reason for Joining: currently clanless and I want a place to chill when I visit the forums
Referred by: nadie
Timezone (in GMT: gmt-5
Battle Experience (0-10): 8/10 in BW/BW2 0/10 in XY
Additional Comments?:

Welcome to the clan. :D


User Name: Sparkbeat
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: Something with Spark
Reason for Joining: Friends and so I can go ahead and be here if I ever want to get competitive again
Referred by: I guess Irra from a while ago
Timezone (in GMT: -5
Battle Experience (0-10): Probably a 7/10 at my peak, but I'm rusty and don't really battle much anymore
Additional Comments?: Just gonna set up camp here and stuff. I'll probably talk here, but won't be battling much. And of course here for Irra <3 and ORAS shenanigans when it gets released.


User Name: Sparkbeat
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: Something with Spark
Reason for Joining: Friends and so I can go ahead and be here if I ever want to get competitive again
Referred by: I guess Irra from a while ago
Timezone (in GMT: -5
Battle Experience (0-10): Probably a 7/10 at my peak, but I'm rusty and don't really battle much anymore
Additional Comments?: Just gonna set up camp here and stuff. I'll probably talk here, but won't be battling much. And of course here for Irra <3 and ORAS shenanigans when it gets released.

Oh its Spark
and Welcome Pory.
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John Doe
User Name: Sparkbeat
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: Something with Spark
Reason for Joining: Friends and so I can go ahead and be here if I ever want to get competitive again
Referred by: I guess Irra from a while ago
Timezone (in GMT: -5
Battle Experience (0-10): Probably a 7/10 at my peak, but I'm rusty and don't really battle much anymore
Additional Comments?: Just gonna set up camp here and stuff. I'll probably talk here, but won't be battling much. And of course here for Irra <3 and ORAS shenanigans when it gets released.

Sparkkkkkkk ^-^ Good to have you here, and welcome to Pory as well.


User Name: Sparkbeat
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: Something with Spark
Reason for Joining: Friends and so I can go ahead and be here if I ever want to get competitive again
Referred by: I guess Irra from a while ago
Timezone (in GMT: -5
Battle Experience (0-10): Probably a 7/10 at my peak, but I'm rusty and don't really battle much anymore
Additional Comments?: Just gonna set up camp here and stuff. I'll probably talk here, but won't be battling much. And of course here for Irra <3 and ORAS shenanigans when it gets released.

eyyyyyy it's my boi Spark :]


Founder of SE Guild
User Name: Sparkbeat
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: Something with Spark
Reason for Joining: Friends and so I can go ahead and be here if I ever want to get competitive again
Referred by: I guess Irra from a while ago
Timezone (in GMT: -5
Battle Experience (0-10): Probably a 7/10 at my peak, but I'm rusty and don't really battle much anymore
Additional Comments?: Just gonna set up camp here and stuff. I'll probably talk here, but won't be battling much. And of course here for Irra <3 and ORAS shenanigans when it gets released.

Nice save, sparky.


Welcome aboard! Here is a complimentary water-proof cookie. Enjoy :).
User Name: Sparkbeat
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: Something with Spark
Reason for Joining: Friends and so I can go ahead and be here if I ever want to get competitive again
Referred by: I guess Irra from a while ago
Timezone (in GMT: -5
Battle Experience (0-10): Probably a 7/10 at my peak, but I'm rusty and don't really battle much anymore
Additional Comments?: Just gonna set up camp here and stuff. I'll probably talk here, but won't be battling much. And of course here for Irra <3 and ORAS shenanigans when it gets released.

welcome fren =]

Also welcome Eaglehawk =]... Or not... Idk... :$
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User Name: Eaglehawk
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: wtf who still uses Pokemon Online
Reason for Joining: fck it everyone from DD's here.
Referred by: im an independent soul i maek my own decisions
Timezone (in GMT: -5
Battle Experience (0-10): 11/10 brooooo
Additional Comments?: fck the police comin straight from tha underground.


Founder of SE Guild
User Name: Eaglehawk
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: wtf who still uses Pokemon Online
Reason for Joining: fck it everyone from DD's here.
Referred by: im an independent soul i maek my own decisions
Timezone (in GMT: -5
Battle Experience (0-10): 11/10 brooooo
Additional Comments?: fck the police comin straight from tha underground.


Reason: I honestly don't think here is a right fit for you. It would be a crime in itself to keep you =x. Best of luck wherever you go ~.



Reason: I honestly don't think here is a right fit for you. It would be a crime in itself to keep you =x. Best of luck wherever you go ~.

College Decisions all over again D:

Irra I do hope you reconsider the application. As joke-filled my application was, I very much still wish to join this clan.


Aura Trainer
User Name: Sparkbeat
Pokemon Online/PokemonShowdown Name: Something with Spark
Reason for Joining: Friends and so I can go ahead and be here if I ever want to get competitive again
Referred by: I guess Irra from a while ago
Timezone (in GMT: -5
Battle Experience (0-10): Probably a 7/10 at my peak, but I'm rusty and don't really battle much anymore
Additional Comments?: Just gonna set up camp here and stuff. I'll probably talk here, but won't be battling much. And of course here for Irra <3 and ORAS shenanigans when it gets released.

Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here. :]


Well-Known Member
League stuff is almost done, we will also be having some more stuff in the upcoming days so be prepared :33


Gaijin Shogun
What major changes do you guys think will ORAS bring to the metagame altogether? Ubers, OU, etc.

Personally, I'm not knowledgeable of how the metagame changes, but I'm sure the new megas will make their presence felt.
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