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Suggestion Relating to Diamond/Pearl Traffic in the Evenings


Pippi! Pi!
I'm not entirely sure if you (the admins at Serebii) are able to track the traffic you guys get around here in the evenings (beginning at around 4:30 CST for me...) but it seriously lags the site down and sometimes makes it impossible to even view it.

I was wondering if creating a new forum (maybe even on a separate server) strictly for Diamond and Pearl trades and help would alleviate most of the headaches? Since I don't know what percentage of the overcrowding is due to this, I don't know how practical it would be. But I do know that it gets frustrating for me (as I'm sure it does for you) that the site seems to take a nose-dive during the prime trading hours of the day. xD

Are there any fixes in sight for this? I know you can't help it if the servers get backlogged due to uncontrollable amounts of traffic. But it'd be nice to hear about a possible way of siphoning off this excess. ^^;


Well I'm not an admin as such [Look at me, I'm SHUCKLE ;_;] but i know that ceating a new forum would take a bit of time and/or money. And/or effort.

There are in fact other forums other than serebiiforums (I know I'm not meant to advertise them, so I won't name them xD) Which are purely for D/P trades/Wi-Fi stuff.

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Well-Known Member
Another forum? Wouldn't that require many more moderators, money, etc. etc.? And also, if this would happen, everyone would start demanding more forums for other things.


Well if what Virtual Headache said is correct then yes, it would just be the same.


Not that I know loads about duh internet :p


Pippi! Pi!
Well, if there was another forum, it would most likely be hosted on this server, so it wouldn't really make any difference whether the users are here or at the other forum.

Yeah, that's why I suggested using a separate server. =x The load on this one is just too heavy during the evenings. I can't even come to the main site, much less the forums. T_T

It was more or less wishful thinking, lol. Oh well. :p

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
It'd be a mess, anyway; people would be making a single thread for a single Pokemon.


Mush! Mush!
Did it ever occur to you guys that Serebii could just use another host like Invisionfree if he wanted? But something tells me he won't bother since in a few months the D/P forums would have died down a little.