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Suggestions for my team, please

Please rate the following frontier team:

Milotic, Modest, Leftovers
Surf, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat, HP Fire
EVs: 252 Sp. Attack, 200 Sp. Defense, 58 HP

Metagross, Adament, Choice Band
Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Meteor Mash, Earthquake
EVs: 252 Attack, 200 Sp. Defense, 58 Speed

Latios, Naive, Lum Berry
Dragon Claw, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
EVs: 200 Sp. Attack, 252 Sp. Defense, 58 Speed

Milotic is a sweeper with Hidden Power Fire for grass types and Bug types that can harm Latios (a.k.a Heracross or Shedinja), and Mirror Coat to act as a special wall. Metagross is a Physical Sweeper with the choice band to boost the power of its moves. The EVs in speed are to avoid wasting time with agility. Latios has a bad nature, but with 252 EVs in Sp. Defense this remidies it. It has a Lum berry incase of paralyzation or poisoning that can severly cut its abilities.

P.S. Don't suggest Calm Mind for Latios, I already used it on another pokemon.


Eontios said:
Please rate the following frontier team:

Milotic, Modest, Leftovers
Surf, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat, HP Fire
EVs: 252 Sp. Attack, 200 Sp. Defense, 58 HP

Your set confuses me.

Ice Beam

Put stuff to sleep and run wild. It's that simple.

Metagross, Adament, Choice Band
Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Meteor Mash, Earthquake
EVs: 252 Attack, 200 Sp. Defense, 58 Speed

It's no use arguing against the standard CBgross.

Latios, Naive, Lum Berry Soul Dew, but apparently you don't have it
Dragon Claw, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
EVs: 200 Sp. Attack, 252 Sp. Defense, 58 Speed

I've seen a bunch of people who would think that this set works. It doesn't.

Calm Mind
Dragon Claw

You will need the HP recovery to survive.

P.S. Don't suggest Calm Mind for Latios, I already used it on another pokemon.

We're here to rate your team. It's not our fault when you've already used a TM. That's your loss, not ours.
Comments are in bold. Additional comments are below.
Eontios said:
Milotic is a sweeper with Hidden Power Fire for grass types
Isn't Ice Beam already enough? o_o
Eontios said:
and Bug types that can harm Latios (a.k.a Heracross or Shedinja)
That's why you have CBgross. Shedinja goes down hard here. Heracross will also get bailed out.
Eontios said:
and Mirror Coat to act as a special wall.
It's useles given the already ridiculous amount of SDef. and HP Milotic has.
Eontios said:
Metagross is a Physical Sweeper with the choice band to boost the power of its moves.
You needn't tell us. It's a standard.