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suicune, entei, raikou, articuno, moltres, zapdos, the regis and latis


Hi, I need to know if you can find those pokemon in battle factory because I definetly know you can enter those ones in the other battle frontier places. I wanted to know becuase in the show Noland uses Articuno to battle ash.

Off topic: Also in the description of Latias it says the is only a "small group" does it want you to think there isnt only one of each legend? Like "the registeel" of just registeel. Because you can onlu get one in the game but I suspect that if it were real life then there would be more than one.

random guy

<the essence of cool
well in one episode there was a baby lugia and there is multiple legends like theres been another episode with articuno


yea, i was just thinking, how could i have "the registeel" facing brandon's "the registeel"

also its really creepy how they have like a bazillion eyes


Well-Known Member
I think in real life, there can be more than one of the following Pokémons
;144; ;145; ;146; ;243; ;244; ;245; ;377; ;378; ;379; ;380; ;381;
Thats why other trainers can get them, and thus its allowed in battle frontier.
Whereas there would only be one of the following Pokèmon:
;150; ;151; ;249; ;250; ;251; ;382; ;383; ;384; ;385; ;386;
It makes sense, I mean, the scientist wouldn't have made more than one Mewtwo! The world would be unablanced if there more Groudons and Kyogre. The anime doesn't make sense, since there is 2 lugias and in the movie there was 2 deoxys! Its all confusing, since, if there was only one Mewtwo in the real world, then why is there a shiny sprite? One Mewtwo would mean it would always be one form. There shouldn't be a shiny for those legendarys. Its all a mess.


Pyro Trainer
well, since deoxys isn't from this planet, we don't really know how that should be ballenced. and as for lugia, it would have made more sence to have a baby right before it died. but I don't use the ones on the bottom row any way, so I really don't care...


Shadow Amongst Light
Hi, I need to know if you can find those pokemon in battle factory because I definetly know you can enter those ones in the other battle frontier places. I wanted to know becuase in the show Noland uses Articuno to battle ash. In the battle factory as in you battle trainers with them? I believe so... there's a few trainers that show up in that area as legendary trainers

Off topic: Also in the description of Latias it says the is only a "small group" does it want you to think there isnt only one of each legend? Like "the registeel" of just registeel. Because you can onlu get one in the game but I suspect that if it were real life then there would be more than one.
It says small group because The Lati@s are supposedly grouped in flocks kinda like birds. apperently they can breed in the wild but not in captivity (almost like pandas).
as for other legendaries.
Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres-- No evidence that these pokemon have multiple forms that I've seen. More than likely 1 offs but could have sparsely populated multiples across the world of pokemon.
Mew--supposedly there were multiple mews before other pokemon existed so there stands a chance they are multiples unless they just never survived
Mewtwo--Was genetically created from a mew's baby genetics so unless another scientist did the same thing, then there is only 1.
Raikou, Entei, Suicine--if i remember correctly they were resurected in those forms by ho-oh so unless Ho-oh did this multiple times, only 1 of each.
Lugia--Has been shown in the shows to be able to reproduce but it seems that it can only do so once and once the baby is old enough, the baby inherit's the title and the parent could possibly die off.
Ho-OH--Supposedly based of a sacred phoenix and can recreate life after a pokemon has died. More than likely 1 off because the Phoenix of legend never seems to reproduce, just burns itself into ash and then is reborn.
Celebi--Supposedly from the future and are kinda like mew, everywhere and breedable in the wild.
Groundon, Kyogre--It seems it would serve a greater thing that there be multiples. The created continents and oceans which seems such a fate for 1 of each pokemon to circle the ENTIRE world to form it all. More understandable would be that the be 1 of each for each continetal area.
Regice, registeel, regirock--Supposedly some sorta psuedo-man-made pokemon that were sealed away for their "immense" uncontrolable powers. The reason they have those weird eyes is 2-fold. 1. they allude to all the braille that you have to use to get to them. 2. they allude to the notion of them being created pokemon because some forms of creation magicks require a series or form of designs to form different forms of created puppets/poppets.
Rayquazzaa--could go either way. The movie shows that it is highly defensive of its territory. That is a sign of animals that live solitarilly and only come together during mating season. It could also be possible that there were multiples but the current one managed to defend its territory so well that all the others no longer exist.
Jirachi--possibly similar to mew and celebi (see a pattern).
Deoxys--The movie shows there are 2 that apperently quite bonded like they are life mates so there could be even more.

pokeboy sarab

It says small group because The Lati@s are supposedly grouped in flocks kinda like birds. apperently they can breed in the wild but not in captivity (almost like pandas).
as for other legendaries.
Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres-- No evidence that these pokemon have multiple forms that I've seen. More than likely 1 offs but could have sparsely populated multiples across the world of pokemon.
Mew--supposedly there were multiple mews before other pokemon existed so there stands a chance they are multiples unless they just never survived
Mewtwo--Was genetically created from a mew's baby genetics so unless another scientist did the same thing, then there is only 1.
Raikou, Entei, Suicine--if i remember correctly they were resurected in those forms by ho-oh so unless Ho-oh did this multiple times, only 1 of each.
Lugia--Has been shown in the shows to be able to reproduce but it seems that it can only do so once and once the baby is old enough, the baby inherit's the title and the parent could possibly die off.
Ho-OH--Supposedly based of a sacred phoenix and can recreate life after a pokemon has died. More than likely 1 off because the Phoenix of legend never seems to reproduce, just burns itself into ash and then is reborn.
Celebi--Supposedly from the future and are kinda like mew, everywhere and breedable in the wild.
Groundon, Kyogre--It seems it would serve a greater thing that there be multiples. The created continents and oceans which seems such a fate for 1 of each pokemon to circle the ENTIRE world to form it all. More understandable would be that the be 1 of each for each continetal area.
Regice, registeel, regirock--Supposedly some sorta psuedo-man-made pokemon that were sealed away for their "immense" uncontrolable powers. The reason they have those weird eyes is 2-fold. 1. they allude to all the braille that you have to use to get to them. 2. they allude to the notion of them being created pokemon because some forms of creation magicks require a series or form of designs to form different forms of created puppets/poppets.
Rayquazzaa--could go either way. The movie shows that it is highly defensive of its territory. That is a sign of animals that live solitarilly and only come together during mating season. It could also be possible that there were multiples but the current one managed to defend its territory so well that all the others no longer exist.
Jirachi--possibly similar to mew and celebi (see a pattern).
Deoxys--The movie shows there are 2 that apperently quite bonded like they are life mates so there could be even more.

quite a well made summary i agree with you


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure every legend but (most) uber legends are in the Battle Factory. I've used two of the regis, two of the birds, both lati and all of the dogs over the course of my time there.


The new tuxedo look!
All non-ubers are allowed, except wobuffet, wynaut and lati@s.
That means that you can take in that lv.100 regice of yours.
It also means that your moltres could end up facing another moltres in an advanced round of any facility.
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