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Active Member
how the heck do you get suicune to join you? I have tried like 20 FREAKEN times and the idiot pokemon won't join me.

Lv70-Friend bow. IT STILL won't join me. Is this pokemon impossible to get or something?


Team In Flames
Do you have the Sacred Plains Friend Area? And a team less than 6 stars in size? And a team with less than four pokémon?

If so, it's just bad luck, I suppose, as you only have a 25.1% chance of recruiting Suicune. I got it on my first try.
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Active Member
I have Blaziken lv70 in my party thats all. She has a friend ribbon. The rank is the highest you can get in the game and still nothing. I think my games screwed up or something. And I got the friend area for suicune. The other two legindarydogs are there already.


Team In Flames
You've just to keep trying. *shrug* There's nothing wrong with the game.


Active Member
There MUST be or Suicune would of joined me by now. I mean I got mew and ho-oh on the first try, the other two dogs on the second. X.x


Well-Known Member
Initial get rate is 0.1%

Recommended Level: 90
Recommended Item: Friend Bow


Team In Flames
Don't blame the game, blame your luck.


Kyokudo <33
I got all three on my first try,dont blame the game its just luck

I suggest going to lv.90 then try again^^

Charizard Champion#06

Spiral Warrior
/growls/ or maybe its just a piece of crap game ><

Hey, if you don't like the game don't complain about it here. Nobody's going to like it and people are going to think you're a jerk. The game isn't a piece of cr*p either. There's nothing wrong except for the fact that you don't have any patience for it. And don't play it if you don't like it.


Water Pokemon Master
how the heck do you get suicune to join you? I have tried like 20 FREAKEN times and the idiot pokemon won't join me.

Lv70-Friend bow. IT STILL won't join me. Is this pokemon impossible to get or something?

How dare you call it stupid...
Like everyone said blame your luck (and yourself) for not getting it or maybe it just doesn't want to...


Well-Known Member
Dont be hard on them, they are just mad about their uck.


okay the digs are F***ing hard to get uve tried on entei with a level 84 swampert 18 times and it still hasnt joined me *_*

neither has groudon *_*

oh well-i still try and ya

the legend master

Well-Known Member
lv. 51 freind bow for entei. just keep trying. it has a 0.1 befreind rate.


Gust of Wind
lol, it is all luck, i got deoxys on my first shot


i herd u leik meh.
Make sure you have at least 3 high level Pokemon in your team, have Suicunes friend area and Gold Rank or higher that will get Suicune.


pokeboy sarab

Hey, if you don't like the game don't complain about it here. Nobody's going to like it and people are going to think you're a jerk. The game isn't a piece of cr*p either. There's nothing wrong except for the fact that you don't have any patience for it. And don't play it if you don't like it.

what he said