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Sun & Moon, your thoughts now vs first thoughts

Satomine Night

The Power of Z!
I'm not sure if this belongs here exactly but I suppose someone could answer this for me or at least tell me if they feel similarly:-
The anime feels bare when it comes to trials imo especially only needing to do one to face each Kahuna. I'm also genuinely confused by the use of Z-Rings as Tapu Koko gave Ash one with his blessing but it disintegrated. Ash was then told he had to beat a Kahuna to be considered worthy to hold it's power.
Then how come Lana didn't have to beat Olivia to use hers?
Is a Kahuna's blessing all you need?
Also didn't Hala state that getting a Z crystal from a Totem Pokemon wasn't heard of when Ash got his Normalium Z? We then go from that to Lana getting one from a Totem Pokemon also so is she special as well or was that just used as an excuse to give her the Water Z crystal?
It was the Z-Crystal that shattered, not the Z-Ring. Ash was told he had to earn his Z-Crystal, rather than just have it handed to him. No one said anything about having to earn Z-Crystals specifically from a Kahuna. Professor Kukui told Ash participating in the Island was the easiest way to earn Z-Crystals, but he never said it was the only way. In fact, he stated there are multiple ways to earn Z-Crystals.

Lana found her Z-Ring Crystal (or rather, the Stoutland found it, after she had earned its respect). Olivia just fashioned it into a wearable Z-Ring. She was then awarded Waterium-Z for defeating Totem Wishiwashi in battle, so she earned it just as much as Ash earned his Z-Crystals. Hala said Totem Pokémon don't normally reward Island Challengers with Z-Crystals. He never said it was completely unheard of.


Well-Known Member
SM seems to be going with the whole 'Chosen One' thing again with the deity Pokemon seemingly handpicking Ash (and maybe the other students) to help with the unfolding plot. However in a more developed case, it seems it's not just a case of handing them the role, they have to train for it. This time spunk will only get Ash and co so far, they have to git good.


Well-Known Member
It was the Z-Crystal that shattered, not the Z-Ring. Ash was told he had to earn his Z-Crystal, rather than just have it handed to him. No one said anything about having to earn Z-Crystals specifically from a Kahuna. Professor Kukui told Ash participating in the Island was the easiest way to earn Z-Crystals, but he never said it was the only way. In fact, he stated there are multiple ways to earn Z-Crystals.

Lana found her Z-Ring Crystal (or rather, the Stoutland found it, after she had earned its respect). Olivia just fashioned it into a wearable Z-Ring. She was then awarded Waterium-Z for defeating Totem Wishiwashi in battle, so she earned it just as much as Ash earned his Z-Crystals. Hala said Totem Pokémon don't normally reward Island Challengers with Z-Crystals. He never said it was completely unheard of.

I didn't bother to say crystal cause I thought it would be understood tbh lol. I just found it weird that being picked by a Tapu is not earning enough compared to a fishing contest against a totem Pokemon tbh, weighing them, the protector of an island seems a lot higher in the ranks :/.
This is my problem anyways when it comes to earning it, it really doesn't feel like much of an accomplishment imo. Ash did two trials only and beat two Kahunas already without breaking a sweat I might add. Apart from Gladion absolutely schooling him with Null (who I really can't see him beating now), Ash breezed past everyone else and as much as I love Ash breezing past people, it's just felt so underwhelming.