Satomine Night
The Power of Z!
It was the Z-Crystal that shattered, not the Z-Ring. Ash was told he had to earn his Z-Crystal, rather than just have it handed to him. No one said anything about having to earn Z-Crystals specifically from a Kahuna. Professor Kukui told Ash participating in the Island was the easiest way to earn Z-Crystals, but he never said it was the only way. In fact, he stated there are multiple ways to earn Z-Crystals.I'm not sure if this belongs here exactly but I suppose someone could answer this for me or at least tell me if they feel similarly:-
The anime feels bare when it comes to trials imo especially only needing to do one to face each Kahuna. I'm also genuinely confused by the use of Z-Rings as Tapu Koko gave Ash one with his blessing but it disintegrated. Ash was then told he had to beat a Kahuna to be considered worthy to hold it's power.
Then how come Lana didn't have to beat Olivia to use hers?
Is a Kahuna's blessing all you need?
Also didn't Hala state that getting a Z crystal from a Totem Pokemon wasn't heard of when Ash got his Normalium Z? We then go from that to Lana getting one from a Totem Pokemon also so is she special as well or was that just used as an excuse to give her the Water Z crystal?
Lana found her Z-Ring Crystal (or rather, the Stoutland found it, after she had earned its respect). Olivia just fashioned it into a wearable Z-Ring. She was then awarded Waterium-Z for defeating Totem Wishiwashi in battle, so she earned it just as much as Ash earned his Z-Crystals. Hala said Totem Pokémon don't normally reward Island Challengers with Z-Crystals. He never said it was completely unheard of.