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Sunflorazumarill's Hula Girl Pics


Well-Known Member
All right now! Sunflorazumarill has decided to start posting pics here on Serebii.net! As it turns out, one of my favorite hobbies is to draw hula dancers! As an added twist, I thought about how various female Pokémon Trainers would look dressed in hula outfits! The result; I've started a project where I'll be doing many Pokémon females as hula girls! Each one will be very different from one another, with hula skirts of varying color, design, and length, many different backgrounds, and much more! Each Trainer will also be accompanied by their main Pokémon at their side! Now to make things easier in the future, here's a list of any pics I've posted so far in these forums!

Completed Pics (In Alphabetical Order)

Gary's Cheerleaders 1
Gary's Cheerleaders 2
Gary's Cheerleaders 3
Kimono Sisters 1
Kimono Sisters 2
Kimono Sisters 3
Lucy's Assistants 1
Lucy's Assistants 2

Series of hula pics starts below this list


Anyway, here's the first pic that I've done. It happens to be Samantha from "Once in a Mawile". As you can see, she and her Mawile are performing their ribbon dance on a tropical stage with Samantha wearing a pink hula skirt. I'd like to hear your comments on thic pic of mine. There will be many more like this in the future!
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Her body looks way too thin. So do her arms and legs. Her feet are too pointed and her chest looks way too small. Mawile looks pink and it's head looks too small.

It is a pretty cute picture though.


Well-Known Member

Now it's time for me to unveil my second pic in my hula series; Lovrina from Pokémon XD! Lovrina's decided to do the hula out in the middle of the Oasis Pokéspot in Orre! Joining her are her Luvdisc and Delcatty! For the record, Delcatty has a dark aura around it because it's a Shadow Pokémon. Also, I'm planning on posting Melody next, so remember to keep posting here yourself!
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Her eyes are too dark and you can't see the white part. It looks like she's possesed or something. Again, her arms, legs, body are too thin and her feet are too pointy. Her fingers on her right and left hand are too fat. Luvdisc's mouth looks a bit odd and Delcatty face does too. Mostly it's nose and mouth.

Cute picture overall.


Well-Known Member

For the record, I go for stylised anatomy in my pics and are happy with drawing my lovely ladies that way. However, I always try to draw the person as she looks in the Anime. Well, it's time for me to unveil my next piece of art; Melody from Pokémon the Movie 2000! As you can see, Melody just got back from a luau on Shamouti Island and has decided to stand beside the cliff overlooking the island! The flowers that make up her hula outfit are based off her Festival Maiden outfit and I added an extra touch by putting in Slowking as well as showing part of the island's shrine. Post your comments!
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Melody's expression is cute in this. Her legs look a bit strange though. Too far out at the top. What's she holding in her hand? Is it some sort of drink or something?


Well-Known Member
It's not supposed to be a drink. It's her ocarina, the one she used to play Lugia's song.


The next Pokémon Anime female to be wearing a hula skirt is Nicole from "The Lotad Lowdown". Since she and her sisters run a flower shop, I put lots on flowers on Nicole's hula outfit. Also, I decided to give her face a kawaii blush look since she happens to be a little shy about being so scantly clad. I also made the beach a garden of rainbow flowers to make Nicole feel more comfortable as well as added a few Lotad (which may look a little off). I'd like to hear your comments on Nicole's pretty look!
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Crystal Clair

Well-Known Member
Hi, Sunflorazumarill, welcome to SPPf
It's pretty neat how you like to draw so many female characters. You could actually do Hikari and the new DP gymleaders like Natane and Suzuna and that fighting girl.
And Onpu, Sunflorazumarill has more of a modern art style so he draws with jagged shapes and all of that.
However, I do agree with Onpu, you need to make the eyes more whiter. Try erasing that line to make the white more visable.... unless you're shooting for that look to the max
you should really try drawing on mspaint. It would seriously fit your style and we could really see your art style in it's best quality.
It's not supposed to be a drink. It's her ocarina, the one she used to play Lugia's song.
Is it? o_O I don't watch Pokemon movies much so what would I know? xD;

Anyways you new picture is very cute. I'm getting used to your style. The lotad look a bit strange though. They look like they have duck beaks. o_O


Well-Known Member
Crystal Clair, send me pics of those girls and I might consider doing them! Also, how'd you like the ones I did of Lucy's friends?


This next pic of mine was actually a request someone on Pokécommunity asked for of a blonde girl with blue shoes and standing on a Lapras in the middle of a lake. I've granted his wish and included everything he asked for. I decided to spice things up and make her hula skirt really short. There's nothing else for me to say about this pic except that I'd like to hear your comments on it.
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I really should stop posting here, but you keep updating and I can't help but post. x3

Anyways, she looks really cute and so does Lapras. I like how she has her hand behind her head. Nice pose.


Well-Known Member
I'm just trying to burn off my pics as fast as I can so that I get all I have so far in here.


Okay now! I have another pic to post! This time it happens to be one of my favorite Pokémon characters, Trixie from "Love, Totodile Style!" She happens to be doing a hula performance out in the rain! I took the liberty of throwing in rainbow streamers and confetti to give the pic a performance persona. Also, I made numerous raindrops and rain splatters on the sand to indicate the rainy weather. For the Pokémon, Golduck can be hard to draw sometimes. Nothing else to say except tell me what you think of Trixie and her Pokémon.
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MooMoo Pants

I'll be honest with you. These suck. Bad. Have you tried using a reference for your art? Try studying basic human anatomy first. It'll help, trust me.


likes 'poms :3
I'll be honest with you. These suck. Bad. Have you tried using a reference for your art? Try studying basic human anatomy first. It'll help, trust me.
I agree with Moomoo here. You need to practice on anatomy and proportions badly. I don't care if "It's mai styal!!111". Even Picasso and many cartoonists took realism classes before they started going into the "skewed" style. Check out Picasso's art; in the beginning he did portraits and whatnot. He then slowly went into surrealism and then into the weird stuff he is known for.

For one, the girls look very frail and stiff. Leis aren't square-shaped if you know by now. The background crashes horribly with the subjects and I wouldn't use markers of the cheap kind. The hands look like sausages attached to the wrists and the feet aren't short wedges turned to the side. I've seen your stuff from a year or 2 ago and you had not improved much at all. Which is kind of bad. There are 2 routes, either study hard on anatomy or give up.

Sorry for being so harsh, but you will get more people like this in the future if you don't improve.

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
It looks like you've drawn most of the pictures with a ruler, the proportions of their bodies are horrible, and the Pokemon look like crap. What really annoys me is the things around their necks, THEY'RE SQUARE. Flower necklaces do not sit on peoples necks SQUARE. I think you're going to need a hell of a lot of practice, and also need to stop relying on a ruler to draw everything.
I agree with Moomoo here. You need to practice on anatomy and proportions badly. I don't care if "It's mai styal!!111". Even Picasso and many cartoonists took realism classes before they started going into the "skewed" style. Check out Picasso's art; in the beginning he did portraits and whatnot. He then slowly went into surrealism and then into the weird stuff he is known for.

For one, the girls look very frail and stiff. Leis aren't square-shaped if you know by now. The background crashes horribly with the subjects and I wouldn't use markers of the cheap kind. The hands look like sausages attached to the wrists and the feet aren't short wedges turned to the side. There are 2 routes, either study hard on anatomy or give up.

Sorry for being so harsh, but you will get more people like this in the future if you don't improve.

My statements exactly.


Well-Known Member
To everyone who posted here since I last visited. This is how I draw my pics and I don't plan on changing anytime soon. I'm just afraid If I try more anatomy realism, I could screw up.


Anyway, I have another pic to post. This time, it's Liza's turn to be in a hula skirt and flowers! She just happens to be showing herself off on an island cliff with her Charizard, Charla. I dedicate this pic to Crystal Clair. Please try to keep posting in here so that more pics can be posted. At least also bring up anything you like about my pics.
To everyone who posted here since I last visited. This is how I draw my pics and I don't plan on changing anytime soon. I'm just afraid If I try more anatomy realism, I could screw up.

That's the thing. DON'T be afraid to screw up. It takes practice. Work with the pencil and your hands a bit. no artist gets super good in one day. Hell I still have lots of practice to go for and i'm damn good.