They had dozens of nameless people entering, but somehow, May's worst appeals were more impressive than 90% of all of their's to the Judges.
There are usually 8 people making it past the appeals, and we never get to see all the other appeals. Only May's early appeals were unimpressive, how were the laters not?
Despite the fact that she had just learned to battle and used weak pokemon, she managed to beat all of them in battles that we don't get to see.
This is false, May did horribly in her first Contest. After that the writers gradually showed her get stronger between each Contest via fillers, etc.
In the end, it's always May, her rival-of-the-day, and Jessie in a poor disguise in the finals. Their battles are usually full of crap worse than anything that other battlers get accused of constantly.
Again, false. A good chunk of May's battles are considered the best battles of the last couple of years.
What exactly was wrong with Beautifly Vs. Medicham? Combusken Vs, Grumpig? Bulbasaur Vs. Cacturne? Skitty Vs. Jynx? Combusken Vs. Vibrava? Combusken Vs. Venusaur? Blaziken Vs. Sceptile?
Do you even know what you're talking about?
They were so messed up that nobody could take them as real competitions.
Nobody could take them as real competitions? Where are you getting this garbage from? Have you actually read any reviews from people when the Contest eps have been airing?
Hello? Go to the episode review threads in the anime section, and go click on each episode and read peoples comments about the Contests. Almost all the Contests got excellent reviews from the fandom, with the exception of some, (like the Dusclops one, Ariados among others), and everyone considered them just as good or better than some of Ash's Gym battles.
Contests were generally considered the best new part of the series when AG began, and they've done so successfully that the writers decided to give them a third round now in D/P.
I honestly feel sorry for you that you couldn't enjoy what were essentially some of the best written episodes of the series. And you "pretending" that the Contests were written badly just shows how much at odds end you are with everyone else when you read the episode reviews in the episode discussion forum.