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super mobile


Well-Known Member
about how many neutral gummies does it take to learn super mobile after you have learned house avoider?

the legend master

Well-Known Member
i need to know this too.
all-terain hiker doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
No idea, just keep eating 'em.
How many stars do you have?


Gust of Wind
wow, thats alot of gummy. All terrain hiker doesnt work for me, i stepped on lava then BOOM, im up in flames burnt.
This was taken from meganium ex's MD guide for how many stars you need for each skill.

01) Item Catcher (You already have it)
02) Course Checker (You already have it)
03) Dedicated Traveler (You already have it)
04) Item Master (You already have it)
05) Exclusive Move-User (You already have it)
06) PP Checker (When you reach one star)
07) Efficiency Expert (When you reach two stars)
08) Status Checker (When you reach two stars)
09) Nontraitor (When you reach two stars)
10) Self-Curer (When you reach three stars)
11) Quick Dodger (When you reach four stars)
12) Type-Advantage Master (When you reach four stars)
13) Weak-Type Picker (When you reach four stars)
14) Trap Avoider (When you reach four stars)
15) Nonsleeper (When you reach five stars)
16) Exp. Go-Getter (When you reach six stars)
17) Energy Saver (When you reach six stars)
18) Lava Evader (When you reach seven stars)
19) All-Terrain Hiker (When you reach eight stars)
20) Sure-Hit Attacker (When you reach nine stars)
21) Trap Seer (When you reach ten stars)
22) House Avoider (When you reach eleven stars)
23) Super Mobile (When you reach 12 stars)

And yes unless you are part fire you are still going to get burnt by walking on lava all that all-terrain hiker lets you do is walk on it and any other consequences will still happen.

To get from 11 stars to 12 stars it depends entirely on what gummies you are eating. It is nothing like 400 it is normally less than 25 if you are eating the right gummies.

For many gummies go through the uproar forest with X ray specs on and you will find numerous green and grass gummies. I hope your pokmoen likes that type if not then silver trench has mainly blue and magma cavern has a lot of red gummies. ;123;
Gummi's: Sky Tower, Desert Region (Kelcone shops)
Super Mobile: Walk on float, lava, water, ect.
How many Gummi's for super mobile: Took very few for mine. Just give it every gummi you have.
Well, I put ect because I forgot what is was, but now I remember. You can also walk through walls and destroy them.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
This was taken from meganium ex's MD guide for how many stars you need for each skill.

01) Item Catcher (You already have it)
02) Course Checker (You already have it)
03) Dedicated Traveler (You already have it)
04) Item Master (You already have it)
05) Exclusive Move-User (You already have it)
06) PP Checker (When you reach one star)
07) Efficiency Expert (When you reach two stars)
08) Status Checker (When you reach two stars)
09) Nontraitor (When you reach two stars)
10) Self-Curer (When you reach three stars)
11) Quick Dodger (When you reach four stars)
12) Type-Advantage Master (When you reach four stars)
13) Weak-Type Picker (When you reach four stars)
14) Trap Avoider (When you reach four stars)
15) Nonsleeper (When you reach five stars)
16) Exp. Go-Getter (When you reach six stars)
17) Energy Saver (When you reach six stars)
18) Lava Evader (When you reach seven stars)
19) All-Terrain Hiker (When you reach eight stars)
20) Sure-Hit Attacker (When you reach nine stars)
21) Trap Seer (When you reach ten stars)
22) House Avoider (When you reach eleven stars)
23) Super Mobile (When you reach 12 stars)

And yes unless you are part fire you are still going to get burnt by walking on lava all that all-terrain hiker lets you do is walk on it and any other consequences will still happen.

To get from 11 stars to 12 stars it depends entirely on what gummies you are eating. It is nothing like 400 it is normally less than 25 if you are eating the right gummies.

For many gummies go through the uproar forest with X ray specs on and you will find numerous green and grass gummies. I hope your pokmoen likes that type if not then silver trench has mainly blue and magma cavern has a lot of red gummies. ;123;

XD, I made that part :D

well I've said this many times before.

All Terrain Hiker: allows you to walk on lava,water and chasms. you will always get burnt when walking on lava unless you are a fire type.
super mobile: exactly the same as all terrain hiker but it allows you to break/walk threw/crush threw walls. very helpful :)

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member

the ONLY thing lava avoider does is trap avoider but with lava. so it ONLY works on your partner. so they wont get burned, but if your partner has lava avoider and super mobile/all terrain hiker on then they wont go on the lava. they will follow you but when they are about to walk on the lava they will stop and stay there until you come back or if you walk far away enough then they will wonder off to try and find you.


Onions? Where??
man... I still have a lot to go for super mobile, I just bought my PMD and currently 6 stars away...