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Super Pichu Pixelart


Well-Known Member
Well, I thought i'd just show my Super Pichu (Look in my signature for example) Pixelart. It also has his logo. Kind of looks like the superman logo, doesn't it?



Super Pichu huh? It's as cute as a button... I don't mean to rain on your parade but... *gestures towards siggy*


Well-Known Member
Ho-Roudon said:
Aww, it's cute! It could use a little fixing up, though. It looks a little too fat...
I know, I'm not all that good a "Pixel-Arter," but about it being fat; it's chubby because it just kind of makes him a little more adorable.

lokitheodd said:
Super Pichu huh? It's as cute as a button... I don't mean to rain on your parade but... *gestures towards siggy*
I know about your super Pichu too. In fact, i've known about your super Pichu for quite a while.


Normal Coordinator
Hmmm...Interesting idea, but the shape of the body is really off. You may want to base it more on the body of the Suguromi (sp?!) art.


Well-Known Member
More Pixelart...

Thanks for the Constructive Criticizim. Here is some more pixelart:


Here's little Heavess (Heaven+Godess), the baby angel Pokemon. You can also rate the sprites next to her.

And here is a new style: Paralell Pixelart. You make one side, then copy it and flip it.


Super Pichu's super punch attack:

(Note: Only the Super Pichu's fist and Togepi's "triangles" aren't paralell.)

Expect next: Slashroom, the rabid fungus Pokemon.