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Super Pig- Tonde Boorin


Is there anyone here who knows Super Pig or as it is called in Japan: Tonde Boorin? It's a very funny Anime and below you can find the story:

Karin Kokubu (Kassie Carlen) is late for school one day when she comes across an apparently injured yellow pig. It turns out the pig wasn't injured but just hungry, and he gets back his health when he eats Karin's apple. When Karin gets to school she discovers that the pig has stowed away in her backpack which causes her more trouble. Later she meets the pig again and finds out he can talk and fly, he gives her a "pigompact" which she opens; a pig snout appears from it and attaches itself to her nose! She finds the pig again, who explains that he is actually Prince Tonrari?no III (Iggy Pig) of the planet Buuringo. He tells her how she can transform: by saying "BA BI BU BE BOorin!" she transforms into a superpowered pink piglet called Buurin. This is not something Karin is happy about at all as she'd rather transform into a heroine like her idol the henshin hero tokusatsu character "Cutey Chao" (who is possibly a referance to Cutey Honey). Tonrari?no (who she calls Ton-chan) tells her if she can collect 108 pearls by doing good deeds as Buurin she can do so. The series contains 51 episodes.

They aired the show in English when Fox Kids started somewhere in 1998 or something, but it didn't ran for long. Then after a lot of campaigning the show returned in 2004, dubbed in Dutch and called Super Big. I like the show very much, because it is very funny, the only downthing is, that the American version changed the music, cut some minor scene's, removed her henshin and put in so many puns and stupid jokes that it sometimes isn't funny anymore. But it's still funny to watch. Does anyone know if this series will ever get a DVD release by someone let's say ADV?



Well-Known Member
I liked it although it was US-ified again..-.-

The problem was that it was shown out of order and I missed the last episodes because of it. Suddenly her pearls went down and up and down again without explanation..-.-


Yep it had a 'weight gain' episode! Which Anime have weigt gain episodes? I think a saw a Sailor Moon episode where Bunny was watching her health. Was this show also shown in America? I read an interview with the English VA for Cassie and she told in the interview that it was never aired.

I liked the show, but they never showed the ending in Holland. In which countries did the show air? Was it ever fansubbed entirely?

And ofcourse: Who is your favourite character. Mine is Karin/ Cassie, because I like the way she is drawn. The Saint Ringo School became: Stanley Ringo School in the Dub...


Did anyone see the English version of the show in New Zealand? They aired every episode over there.


You're from Germay right? Do you know if people recorded the German episodes from TV on their computer? Were there some eps released on DVD or VHS? And can you please tell me what's going on with RTL2?




The Voice of Penny Round was done by Wendee Lee and she's not an unknown in the Anime VA business:

http://www.answers.com/Wendee Lee

"Tonde Buurin" (1994) TV Series .... Penny Round (unknown episodes)
... aka Ai to yûki no pig girl Tonde Buurin (Japan: complete title)
... aka Super Pig (USA: dubbed version)

Hello M.C.,

This is the first time I've gotten a question regarding Super Pig!
It was such a sweet Jr. High type show, about yes, a little girl
named Cassie who had the ability to fight crime in her alias form
as Super Pig. We worked on the show for quite sometime, and then
I believe Saban sat on the property so long they ran out the
licensing. Something along that line regarding the legal end
of things.

We were all very disappointed to find the show never saw the
light of day with our fine American cast in full form. Many of your
favorites, I imagine.

Thanks for the inquiry - Good question!

Wendee Lee

zonic the hedgehog

I saw a few episodes while I was in Mexico years ago.

I never really cared about it much (since I wasn't one to watch shows like that) so I don't remember much about it.

I do kinda remember the opening song a little, but eh... :p


Well-Known Member
Did anyone see the English version of the show in New Zealand? They aired every episode over there.


You're from Germay right? Do you know if people recorded the German episodes from TV on their computer? Were there some eps released on DVD or VHS? And can you please tell me what's going on with RTL2?

yeah, I´m from germany.

I don´t think that many people watched Super Pig in germany at all, the chance of finding german episodes online should be near to zero.
RTL aired it very early on saturday mornings, and rtl had lost many many viewers to other channels at that time already. their "kid´s RTL" slot is very neglacted and bad today.

RTL2? mh,,...they are as bad as always.
They ordered the terrible naruto dub ( the worst german anime dub EVER ) and cut other animes without even thinking. many fans try to stop them, but it´s a drop of water on a hot stone :p
rtl 2 is lying in puplic interviews, end of story.

their one piece version is brilliant, I like it more tha the original in most parts, but they cut out a few blood scenes.

detecive conan is uncut since many fans complained that the DVDs have an 6+ rating, and cutting corpses from a series which has a 6+ rating is just bogus.

naruto is unwatchable, it is a 4kids-like naruto dub, and Dragon ball GT ( which isn´t that great anyway) misses most of the battle scenes...-.-

rtl 2 is very incosistent in its animes...I just hate it.


But the Tonde Boorin anime only aired on RTL1 right and never on RTL2? Did you like the show? For me it's one of those guilty pleasure shows.

And about RTL2 I bought a sattelite dish to watch their shows. DBZ, DC, Jean die Kamikaze Diebin, those were Uncut at first right? I also like the German One Piece. I don't mind cutting out some of the more violent scenes and I even prefer the German opening above the Japanese one. It's too bad they even cut scenes from DBGT, coz even Holland had that show uncut.


Well-Known Member
But the Tonde Boorin anime only aired on RTL1 right and never on RTL2? Did you like the show? For me it's one of those guilty pleasure shows.

And about RTL2 I bought a sattelite dish to watch their shows. DBZ, DC, Jean die Kamikaze Diebin, those were Uncut at first right? I also like the German One Piece. I don't mind cutting out some of the more violent scenes and I even prefer the German opening above the Japanese one. It's too bad they even cut scenes from DBGT, coz even Holland had that show uncut.

yes, it was only on RTL1, I liked it. recorded it every saturday ( I´m a long sleeping person ^^) together with cutey honey flash ^^ The dub dialogue edits weren´t my cup of tea, but it was still crazy enough to be liked ^^

as for rtl2:
DB was uncut, DBZ was cut in the french version, which was what we got, but not by much, later it was heavyly cut in the reruns, Jean wasn´t cut
conan was uncut in the first season, got cut after that season and is uncut again now ^^
since the naruto dub thex´d gone crazy...-.- I wish they´d show ranma again which was uncut as well.

I´d like to see the japanese super pig opening...I bet it is cheesy ^^


Well actually, the opening we got was kinda cheesy. The original one was your typical run of the mill Anime opening: Girl singing about feelings, and how green the grass can be etc etc.

Check it out yourself:


Few people actaully know this show. I hope ADV releases it in the future. I wish RTL 2 would make an Anime Channel. And I hope they will release Ranma on DVD. I like the German Language, and the show seems fun, in a naughty kind of way. How come it was not edited, because there is some nudity?


Actually the Japanese opening is less tacky than the opening we got. Is your typical Anime opening with a girl singing about her feelings and how green the grass is. How come they messed the last episodes up in Germany and what happened in those? Maybe I'm getting the Japanese DVD boxes!



Well-Known Member
Well actually, the opening we got was kinda cheesy. The original one was your typical run of the mill Anime opening: Girl singing about feelings, and how green the grass can be etc etc.

Check it out yourself:


Few people actaully know this show. I hope ADV releases it in the future. I wish RTL 2 would make an Anime Channel. And I hope they will release Ranma on DVD. I like the German Language, and the show seems fun, in a naughty kind of way. How come it was not edited, because there is some nudity?

Aw, thanks for the opening,..I really like it ^^ Really cute ( the singing voice was kinda odd though...). Funny how ambiguous some scenes are...the pig butt or the chopped-phallus banana...maybe it is just me...
It brings back memories...The character design is rather familiar...mhh...

After searching for infos about Tonde Buurin I found out that Rika Matsumoto
is the VA of the spoiled rich girl ^^

Couldn´t find a guide for the last episode though..I want to know how it ended ^^

RTL2 will never make an anime channel, and I´m glad about it seeing how edited their newer animes are.

about ranma:
germans have no problems with nudity. It is blood what is the problem here.
It´s not like Ranma was tha perverted by the way ^^
The Ranma 1/2 dub was brilliant in every possible way.
THe VAs were great, it was unedited and the german opening adaptions were nice as well,..
Everbody pronounced "Shampoo" as in the japanese langueas "Zampooh" which was rather odd o_O
Last edited:


Aw, thanks for the opening,..I really like it ^^ Really cute ( the singing voice was kinda odd though...). Funny how ambiguous some scenes are...the pig butt or the chopped-phallus banana...maybe it is just me...
It brings back memories...The character design is rather familiar...mhh...

After searching for infos about Tonde Buurin I found out that Rika Matsumoto
is the VA of the spoiled rich girl ^^

Couldn´t find a guide for the last episode though..I want to know how it ended ^^

RTL2 will never make an anime channel, and I´m glad about it seeing how edited their newer animes are.

about ranma:
germans have no problems with nudity. It is blood what is the problem here.
It´s not like Ranma was tha perverted by the way ^^
The Ranma 1/2 dub was brilliant in every possible way.
THe VAs were great, it was unedited and the german opening adaptions were nice as well,..
Everbody pronounced "Shampoo" as in the japanese langueas "Zampooh" which was rather odd o_O

No problem. Did you know that there was also a dub of Super Pig/ Tonde Boorin in the Phillipenes. It was also an English dub, but they changed the title to Super Boing. They kept the henshin in, which is better I think, because of like transformation Henshins. Did they release a German Ranma 1/2 DVD box? If they did, I might buy it. Loved the German opening song. It was actually the same as the Japanese one. Are there plans, we might see Super Pig again in Germany? And will there be a German Anime Channel in the Future? Too bad about the edits in DBGT though. I saw some of them on www.animedigital.de and the edits are sad...


Well-Known Member
No problem. Did you know that there was also a dub of Super Pig/ Tonde Boorin in the Phillipenes. It was also an English dub, but they changed the title to Super Boing. They kept the henshin in, which is better I think, because of like transformation Henshins. Did they release a German Ranma 1/2 DVD box? If they did, I might buy it. Loved the German opening song. It was actually the same as the Japanese one. Are there plans, we might see Super Pig again in Germany? And will there be a German Anime Channel in the Future? Too bad about the edits in DBGT though. I saw some of them on www.animedigital.de and the edits are sad...

Yeah, I´ve read about the Phillipenes version, Super Boing...a good name gor a spoink ^^

The first 80 episodes of Ranma 1/2 are released in germany within 5 DVD boxes. It is really worth it ^^
The first 2 movies are out in germany as well.

I doubt Super Pig will air again anytime soon in germany, as RTL was the last channel with the license and I doubt any other channel would buy the license for such an old anime. too bad, I want to see it again ^^ ther german dub was pretty nice.

RTL2 wanted an anime channel, but they changed their mind after a student did a "kill frenzy" in a school, killing many pupils and teachers...that day changed the german media a lot...

animedigital is the best source if you want to see which anime got cut. Funny how MTV cut down the gantz sex scenes and let all the gory part in..pretty uncommon for a german channel.

we even have hentai-cell-phone-game commercial on the regular TV channels (after 11. pm), so you´d think they´d let those parts intact ;p