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Super Smash Bros: Unchained

Evil Munchlax

Well-Known Member
Ok, this is my second RPG.I decided to create it because I'm realy into the Super Smash Bros. Sereies.All Serebii.net rules applie.Oh, and just to let you know, the person telling the story is'nt me....it's just like a narrator type of thing.


Hello, fellow readers.I'm here to tell you a grand adventure.Now, you are all familier with Earth.Watching TV, eating snacks, hanging out with friends others things as well, but our story begins with video games and the characters in them......you probly thought these creatures were only excistant for your simple entertainment....you were wrong.Yes, thats right your favorite video game characters are actuly alive...not here, in our dimension though.In a parralel universe millions of light yeers away, video game characters inhabbit a planet much similer to your Earth.The planet's name is Nebula.In Nebula there are four huge countries that cover the globe: Nintendo, Sony, Micrsoft, and Sega.Atleast one famous character lives in one coutry for example: The Mario Bros.=Nintendo, Jak and Daxter=Sony, Master Cheif Spartan=Microsoft, and Sonic the hedghog=Sega.Every video game character ever created lives in one of the four countries of Nebula.They live a life like ours except for: Magical powers, wired alien creatures, vanquishing evil...alot and, other bazar things.But those arent everthing on the characters' minds, every video game characters' dream is to be invited to take part in the Super Smash Bros. torniment held once a year in the coutry Nintendo!The characters must defeat as many aponents he/she is suppossed to battle in an all out brawl.Some want to compete to win the large amount of prize money or the huge golden trophie, others want to win for the honor of completing such a challenge.This is the fourth torniment for Super Smash Bros.(Others being: Super Smash Bros, Melee, and Brawl.) and the final torniment the three time, grand champion ,Master Hand, will take part in.Those were his words, he said he was getting old, too old for this and needed some rest.Now many more participents are being invited to see who will defeat Master hand in his final term.Characters from the last terniments are being invited as well as new participents such as Sonic the hedghog, Waluigi and more.Yes what an exciting time for the characters.

The day before the first day of the terniment, Mario, Luigi, Kirby, Link and, Sonic have mysteriously vanished.Where could they be?Lots of search parties have been sent out but they did'nt find them.And if that was'nt enough, something terrible is about to happen.

You are signing up as participents in this years torniment, that arent, I repeat, arent Mario, Luigi, Kirby, Link or Sonic. Vetren or Rookie it does'nt matter.You can sign up as a real video game character except for the exceptions or a character of your imagination or a recolor of a real character but with a different name, history...You can even be a pokemon trainer.And your character has a star element inside you that, unleashes it's massive power when you are in grave danger.(You wont be able to use them alot or when your character wants to use it whenever he/she wants.)The choices are:Fire, Water, Ice, Earth, Leaf and Rainbow.(Rainbow's like a mix between all of them.)There are 5 spots open.And once an element is taken you cant have the same element.

Sign-Up Sheet:

Appearence: (I'll let this be short if you want to be a recolor.)
Country you are from:
Regual Abilities:
Star Element:

My Sign-Up:

Appearence:Looks like Kirby except he's much smaller.He's basicly a runt of Kirby's species.Also instead of being pink, he is a sky blue color and has dark blue boots.
Personality:Kale is a care free kind of person.He can make lots friends easily, though he is rather shy, especcialy around girls.He hardly ever gets mad at someone or threatens to end his friendship with someone.Kale's a realy nice person and does'nt like to see someone sad or mad.He's sort of a push over around people, doing whatever anyone asks him.Though despite all that he dispises bullies and evil alot, and will spot at nothing to defeat them.
History:Kale was born in Dream land, Nintendo.He had a happy little family: His father, his mother, and himself.The family was a close friend of the mysterious Meta Knight.They were a little poor, but they did'nt care.They still had other things.Of the things, a TV.When the Super Smash Bros. first torniment began, they would always watch it on TV.Kale always wanted to help people.He wanted to help his friend Meta Knight defeat enimies but, Meta Knight said it was to dangerous.Just recently Kale faught along side Kirby and Meta Knight against the villianess King DeDeDe.Meta Knight knew he was wrong when he said it was to dangerous for him and decided to let him help him in other adventers.Kale became his...well sidekick sort of.Kale has been invited the new S.S.B. torniment, Super Smash Bros. Fury.
County you are from:Nintendo
Regular Abilities:Same as Kirby: Can swallow his enimies and mimic their powers, spit them out any time he wants, able fly/glide/float.
Star Element:Rainbow


1.Kale=Rainbow(Me, Evil Munchlax)
2.Peiro=Water(Mirage Mew)
4.Ice, RESERVED for PokemonBreederChris
5.Earth, RESERVED for robynblclark
6.Isohold, The Dark Blade=Leaf(PKMNPROF)
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Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Name: Peiro


Gender: Male

Appearence: (I'll let this be short if you want to be a recolor.): Peiro has an uncany appearance to Marth a veteran tourney. He has pure white eyes that remind people of the snow. He has blue hair that stands up and is turquoise at the front. He wears a Blue cape and wears Marth like armor but, much more futuristic. He has duel blue swords that could cut through any kind of metal. He also has two sapphires embeded in his wrists to control his power over water. He also wears a chain with a teardrop jewel on his neck.

Personality: Peiro has a good disposition and well rounded personality. However, he is very ruthless on the field and could murder another character. This is a true problem when he is fighting someone. He could also be a cold person devoid of any emotion at sometimes, being if he lost or couldn't finish something. Peiro believes he is the best and should win this Tournament. Peiro's true problem is controlling these two emotions and this situation just makes it harder for him to do that. So, in the end, he is a cold person and is ruthless.

History: Peiro was born in Spira where the events of Final Fantasy 10 & 10-2 happened. He was a Guardian for his brother Crono, a summoner, who wanted to destroy sin. However he died in the Calm Lands do to Pneumonia, and Peiro always blames himself for his death. After Yuna, another summoner, destroyed sin once and for all, Peiro went back to his own Home in Bevelle. Though one day, a Strange turtle like creature appeared in front of his house. It had a green shell and had a small cube. The creature left it there and ran off. Peiro went to it out of curiosity. Once he opened the door, the cube opened with a message. Peiro read it. He plopped it in his pocket and pressed a red button on the Cube and was tranported to a medieval style area called Hyrule....

Country you are from: Spira, Sony

Regual Abilities: Same as Marths but uses the Element water to strengthen it. Horizontal Slash you get it.

Star Element: Hydro Save : Sends out his summon, Hydro to Cut all Enemies around him. When he is falling, It send a blast of water to him and Propells him to the stage.


Under the sea
Name: Soichiro “Hiro”
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: Soichiro owns a large resemblance to Roy in build and qualities of the face, even having a hairstyle and color that mimics Roy’s distinct messy and fiery appearance. In fact, for his own humorous sake, Hiro decided to wear an outfit similar to Roy and see if people mistaken him as the famed swordsman. However, Hiro opted to exclude the armor, finding it difficult to maneuver in. The blue and golden vest, white pants, stylized boots, and gloves are still intact. He has also cut off the cape, preferring to lift up the color of his black undershirt instead and sparklingly show off a fire pendant of his, a remnant of his father’s. Another difference that settles Hiro from his alleged twin is his amber eyes, pools that explain more about his emotions that he finds comfortable.

The one thing that Hiro did not entirely factor in his costume was the sword he uses. His blade has a golden hilt and sheath that ties onto his white belt for easy access and travel. However, while Roy’s has more of a greenish pattern on his hilt, Hiro’s has rubies lining his and splashes of white coloring the hilt. The silver blade itself has a costume dragon tattooed on, something of his own design he requested from the swords maker. He even named it, for laughs, as “Kairu”, random letters written that sounded pretty cool put together.

Personality: Hiro is partial to being loud and a bit of an upbeat hothead, appearing unintelligent with no discipline during first impressions. This often bellows his analytical skill that processes things quite quickly and for good reason; his rash attitude and actions often lead him into trouble where his analytical skills are needed. Hiro is also considerably lazy, useless in many common tasks minus the use of swordsmanship, and to add to all that, he usually doesn’t appreciate those who can do more. Despite this, Hiro is a bearable enough person to be around, even if one doesn’t recognize his intelligence, and is the type of person who could change things with his outspoken, truthful, and overwhelming demeanor.

History: Hiro was born to a rather poor village under an unnoticeable family consisting of a brother, who slowly rose towards being a prominent magician, a father as a laborer, and a mother who strove to do housework. Overall, an average family that was fairly limited in resources. Hiro at first trained swordsmanship with baboons he’d rip off and randomly swinging at the air. However, one day, a traveling merchant came around with goods to con off. Hiro saw multitudes of swords and other weapons he found fascinating, and unknowingly, he sold himself to the merchant to do dirty work such as caring for the horses because of it. Soichiro left the village under less-than-desirable circumstances. Despite this, he made the best of it. He’d often socialize with the customers of the merchant, learning many things about geography and best of all, fighting technique. While traveling, he managed to earn money by displaying off information and entertainment techniques, such as juggling, he’d learn from the merchant’s customers.

Through this way, Hiro managed to pay off his way from the merchant’s hold… An honorable act that allowed him to reach a more valuable prize; the sword he currently uses that the merchant had conned off another man, the one he dubbed Kairu. Since than, he’s travelled and trained spontaneously with his swords in the different rest areas. Through this, he has developed his own styles that varies with a few noticeable moves he’d learn from traveling. His own precious fire enhanced moves he developed solely on his own. He found out about the new Super Smash Brother tournament recently and sort of forced his way for an invitation by going through a challenge issued by a cocky player who had an invite.

Country you are from: Nintendo

Regular Abilities: Like Roy, Hiro’s strength is in intense close-combat battling. Particularly powerful strikes will have flare released from his blade, something that often gets Hiro injured as well. Another notable strength of his is his counter ability with his sword, which can be done with proper timing that the boy has not pat down entirely.

Star Element: Fire

History is basically my way of mousing out of the knowledge I don't know about; the locations of Fire Emblem. If I had played Fire Emblem 6, than I'd probably have used Roy directly, but I haven't, so I used Hiro.


UnlimitedBlade Works
would like to reserve, will post soon, gotta finish my other sign ups I reserved first. I would like to reserve ice.
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i wanna reserve earth
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Evil Munchlax

Well-Known Member
~Hyruu: Accepted!Another good sign up!

PokemonBreederChris:Sure, reserved for ice

robynblclark:Well, Chris already reserved for that element sorry.But still reserved.
Appearence: (I'll let this be short if you want to be a recolor.)looks like a yoshi ecepet silver and golden feet and also it ahs samll horns at the top of his head simamlers to a goats.
Personality:kind and careing. he also could take one cahcteristic of a enemey when he sucks them in. Besides that he is a quaick thinker. he is brave and he loves to eat fruit . He is healthy and thinks everybody should be healthy. He coudl be realyy hyper and annoying
History: he comes from yoshi island and is infact a new breed of yoshi he is one out of a few he wants the trophy to imprees a female of his kind.
Country you are from:nintedo
Regualer Abilities:he is a great jumper and is really fast he could trow bomb eggs and ram into cahcters and send them packing
Star Element:earth


Well-Known Member
Name: The Dark Blade, Isohold
Age: 34
Gender: Male

Appearance: Isohold is covered in the silver and black armor of the Judge Magisters (Final Fantasy 12). The helmet has a single horn, curved upward, and covers his face. On his hip is his broadsword, with three colored stones in the middle of the hilt.

Personality: Isohold is not a fool, and believes those who are fools should be fed to the beasts. Due to the fact that he was once one of the five Judge Magisters, he believes he is higher in the world than most people. Though he’s not the nicest person, he can make friends, but not very many would want to make friends with him. In battle, he focuses on his foe and the environment, nothing else.

History: Dark Blade was the head Judge Magister at one point, but a terrible event stripped him of his position. He was a great supporter of the war between Dalmasca and Archadia, and even helped once in a while.

Unfortunately, Gabranth, the Judge directly beneath him wanted his position and tricked Isohold into a false mission in which he was to kill a small group of Dalmascan Spies who were planning to kill another Judge. In truth, it was a trap in which Gabranth framed him for the murder of the Judge whom Isohold was attempting to aid. Isohold eventually escaped and fled the country.

At one point, he went through ancient ruins and found Grarl Grave, his sword, and learned it needed three stones to become fully powered. After four years of searching, the blade was fully assembled and Isohold was in the land of Nintendo. After a month of living, he found the Super Smash Brothers Tournament, where he decided to test his new sword.

Country you are from: Ivalice, Sony

Regular Abilities: His sword take power from three different stones, each of which give a different power. Yellow gives the power to Teleport short distances, Blue gives great speed, and green gives the ability to make his sword appear as a blade of grass, but even sharper than his regular sword.
Star Element: Leaf

Evil Munchlax

Well-Known Member
blulbasoar2894: Sorry, Earth's already reserved, also it's to short.Plus, you did'nt capitalize most of the sentnces. Denied sorry.

PKMNPROF: Accepted! Now all we need is those 2 reserved users to post their sign ups and we can start!