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Super's wants

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
what would you trade a shiny magmorter for its what magmar evolves into when holding a magmarizer then traded but ahh its shiny and evolved


New Member
I was planning on making a new Magmortar so sorry, it wouldn't work out. But I'm sure that Shiny Magmortar could be traded for something good elsewhere.

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
ok wat about a shiny ditto im no sure what its nature is but i can get ou one

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
i know but i know quite a few people that would do it anyway and if i get a shiny impish ditto what would you trade for it?

kenny thunder

the lati tamer
hey so if i got a shiny ditto with impish nature what would you trade me? im looking for rare barries