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Suprising performance of pokes?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, i always like to use 4-5 pokes that are new to me each time but still decent, besides my favorites on every pokegame i ever played.... but i want sum of you guys to gimme sum imput.. cuz choosing my team is fun, but last 2 i cant decide.. i got pidgeot, mr mime, venasaur, (maybe vaporeon.. i use him too much i want to try cloister?)
Anyway.. i do my own evs n attacks accord to my team so im basically askin which pokes suprised you when you used them?


Well-Known Member
arcanine beacause i always had charizard until recently when i decided charizards were overused


Here comes da boom!
Hmm Golbat.I thought Golbat is creep,but he is awesome now.