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Sure looks strange to me......

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Best Psychic Type.
It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple, people eater!


I got the inspiration for this when my G-Ma played old songs I used to like when I was younger. Like?


it`s good
my dad play`s those songs all the time, me likey!!!^-^


Make a Wish
lol!!! =D That's pretty neat!


Best Psychic Type.
Thanks guys. Should I do other sprites like this, maybe rockin' robin? or something else funny? Gimme ideas!


Yes I use MS paint
rockin' robin would be Awesome
you should do it
this time do not save as .jpg it screws up the colors save as .PNG


Hates his username.
This gives me flashbacks of back in my prep-days of school when at assembly our old princibal would sing a series of those songs. As I grew up up, of course they became embarrassing. But that sprite does bring back memories
" I wanna get a job in a ROCK N ROLL BAND!!"


Well-Known Member
LMAO. thats awsome. do you have more? i really like to see them. plz check out my own sprites and let me know what you think, Thx!

Maes Hughes

Well-Known Member
lol. but yeah saving it as .png is better quaility than jpg. after all, i should know. (my white larvichu XD )

;335;Maes Hughes;335;
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