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Does anyone know what surfing pikachu looks like on emerald because im getting one from an event and i just wanna knw wat it looks like :surfpika:


Fog Trainer
lol dnno

can u actually get him?


Staff member
It just looks like a normal Pikachu, the only difference is that it has the move Surf on it. For anyone that's wondering, you get it by putting 1499 Pokemon from on file of RSEFrLg onto Pokemon Box.


Fog Trainer
Chaos Emerald said:
It just looks like a normal Pikachu, the only difference is that it has the move Surf on it. For anyone that's wondering, you get it by putting 1499 Pokemon from on file of RSEFrLg onto Pokemon Box.

how? Can you explain?


Clouds said:
how? Can you explain?

I'm going under the assumption you don't know what Pokemon Box is. It's a Gamecube "game" that has the sole purpose of being able to store 1500 pokemon for you. Well, it has two other purposes, you get eggs of swablu that has false swipe...and the most important...if you add 1499 pokes from any GBA game, you'll get a pichu that has surf. Hope that helps.
Chaos Emerald said:
It just looks like a normal Pikachu....
what is normal?what do you define as a "normal" pikachu?is it the type NORMAL in the game or is just a regular pikachu?what is normal?


like the normal yellow annoying over-popularized lil guy with surf


Heat Trainer
you can also get zigzagoon with extreme speed and skitty with payday

pokemon master:Stranger

Surprise buttsecks!
look i have a raichu that knows surf that i got from box and at one point i traded it to emerald to use in battle frontier when you surf it looks normal but if you use raichu that knows surf in colosseum raichu jumps up on hes tail and rides it like a surf bord witch is really funny and cool because i thourt it would just look stupid but it looks funny.


pokemon master:Stranger said:
look i have a raichu that knows surf that i got from box and at one point i traded it to emerald to use in battle frontier when you surf it looks normal but if you use raichu that knows surf in colosseum raichu jumps up on hes tail and rides it like a surf bord witch is really funny and cool because i thourt it would just look stupid but it looks funny.

I had no idea it would do that...that's classic. Does it do it on XD as well?

Also, one thing I forgot to mention about Pokemon Box. It was made for R/S so in order to use it with FR/LG you have to fix the machine so you can communicate with R/S first. Not sure what you have to do with Emerald. It doesn't work with Emerald right off and I haven't tried for a while.


I just got myself 3 surfing pichus by rotating all 1,499 pokes through each game. Took about 10 minutes each to do.
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