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surfing pikachu???

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i have absolutely no idea how to get pikachu to learn surf, some1 PLZ help me :(


Mew The Origin
get 1449 pokemons from the same gba cart into pokemon box and you'll receive a egg that will hatch into a Pichu knowing surf.


The pokemon box thing is correct, and also if you manage to get 3 mewtwos on one cart you can teach any pokemon any HM or TM.


Well-Known Member
yeah and btw its not pricy for Pkmn Box if you live in NY just go to the Pkmn Store in Manhattan.


Well-Known Member
**note** the U.S. versions of pokemon Box are only available on places like ebay and run upwards of $200 or more.

On ebay there's like 3 up for sale un-boxed for like 15 bucks that come with XD Gale of Darkness. Id buy it but I don't have a gamecube >_>

But yea, only way is to trade, or get Pokemon Box


Dragon Tamer
**note** the U.S. versions of pokemon Box are only available on places like ebay and run upwards of $200 or more.

I bought a Pokemon Box last year for $25, by ordering it on ebay from someone who then ordered it from the Pokemon Center (at least I THINK that's what it's called) that's in New York City. I checked the website at P.C. and they were selling it for $19.95 + S&H.

The Pokemon Centers supposedly the ONLY place in America where you can get Pokemon Box, but I recently heard that they've stopped carrying the storage box cd.

So I guess you'll be lucky to find Pokemon Box in the states, unless someone online is selling it for a HIGH price.


Shadow Amongst Light
I bought a Pokemon Box last year for $25, by ordering it on ebay from someone who then ordered it from the Pokemon Center (at least I THINK that's what it's called) that's in New York City. I checked the website at P.C. and they were selling it for $19.95 + S&H.

The Pokemon Centers supposedly the ONLY place in America where you can get Pokemon Box, but I recently heard that they've stopped carrying the storage box cd.

So I guess you'll be lucky to find Pokemon Box in the states, unless someone online is selling it for a HIGH price.

Yea... that's about when they stopped carrying them. The only versions on ebay that are below $50 are the japanese or uk versions..... No american version sells for less than $100 on ebay unless you are just one H*** of a lucky Bas****.


Dragon Tamer
I should have bought more than one copy when I had the chance. *pouts and sighs*
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