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Surfing Raichu moveset


New Member
After about a week of just throwing Nest Ball after Nest Ball when I had nothing else to do, I received my Surfing Pichu from Pokemon Box. I leveled it up to Raichu and EV trained it in Sp. Attack and Speed, and I'm now trying to think up a good moveset so he doesn't go to waste. If it matters, the Raichu is male with a Calm nature, and relatively good IVs in everything except Physical Attack.

Surf is a given in the moveset, obviously I'm not changing it as it was a pain to get.

He should probably know something electric, but I can't decide between Thunderbolt and Rain Dance/Thunder. Rain Dance would boost Surf and boost Thunder's accuracy but it may be less efficient than just having Thunderbolt and another move in there.

It seems like he should have a defensive/status move, but Thunder Wave doesnt seem like the best option since he has the Static ability. Maybe Attract or Double Team?

Finally one (if he had Rain Dance) or two (if he doesn't) attacks to fill out the moveset. His Hidden Power is Dragon type with a base power of 64 so that seems like a good option. As I understand he learns a Grass attack via one of the D/P TMs. Should I just wait for that? And only Special Attacks please, since his Attack is so horrid. Keep in mind the D/P Physical/Special split since I intend to transfer him.

Thanks in advance for the advice, normally I think up my own movesets but since a Raichu with Surf is rare I want him to be the best he can be.


Good at Life.
Volt Tackle (I'm pretty sure you can breed into Volt Tackle and keep surf since you've got a male)

If not, then Thunderbolt, Surf, Substitute, Thunder Wave

Also .. if you're not against doing all the WORK of Hidden Power, an Ice attack would be REALLY nice here instead if that Thunder Wave (BoltBeam Raichu).

If you wanna be cute about playing on NetBattle, ThunderWave can go away for Seismic Toss (laugh as Blissey goes WTF?!?).
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Well-Known Member
Volt Tackle (I'm pretty sure you can breed into Volt Tackle and keep surf since you've got a male)

If not, then Thunderbolt, Surf, Substitute, Thunder Wave

Also .. if you're not against doing all the WORK of Hidden Power, an Ice attack would be REALLY nice here instead if that Thunder Wave (BoltBeam Raichu).

If you wanna be cute about playing on NetBattle, ThunderWave can go away for Seismic Toss (laugh as Blissey goes WTF?!?).

You can't get both Surf and Volt Tackle. Don't post false info.


Shadow Amongst Light
The TM is called GrassRope and its power depends on how heavy the foe is.
Dragon type HP doesn't really cover many things... it only gets Super effective on dragons.

Calm Nature
-ThunderWave/Grass Rope/HP[Dragon]/HyperBeam

Twave for paralysis, Surf covers about the same stuff as grassrope does.
HP dragon is kinda Meh unless you think you'll be fighting a lot of dragon types. HyperBeam, with its change to special would serve as a pseudo-explosion move (because using it usually means a really hard hit, but more than likely means you'll be killed afterwards).

That's about all you can do for pika seeing as his movepool is so damned horrible. Congratz on surfing pika though.
How about

Hidden Power(Dragon)

EVs in Speed & Sp.ATT


Good at Life.
You can't get both Surf and Volt Tackle. Don't post false info.

Hey, that's why I posted my little disclaimer .. I've personally never raised a Pika-anything, since I just don't like the little guy, so I posted a disclaimer and a plan B (TBolt) just in case it couldn't learn Volt Tackle and Surf after all.

For future reference, if someone posts something like "I'm pretty sure..." or "I don't know if..." then it's speculation, not posting something as fact, so all that needs is a confirmation of "yes" or "no", not a BASH statement like "don't post false info", because the person (myself, in this case) has already indicated that he doesn't know 100%.

Besides ... Thunderbolt's good stuff anyway.


Calm Nature
-ThunderWave/Grass Rope/HP[Dragon]/HyperBeam
Calm? More like Modest. Don't suggest HP Dragon or Hyper Beam ever, please.

How about

Hidden Power(Dragon)

EVs in Speed & Sp.ATT

Hidden Power Dragon is one of the most useless Hidden Powers since it’s only effective against one type. No, Hidden Power Ice or Grass are the best for Electric Pokémon.

D/P gives you FOCUS BOMB, a 120 special Fighting attack that may lower the opponent's special attack. Helps against all the Rock/Steels in that gen, and gives you a chance against Blissey as well.
Focus Bomb is a TM btw, so you can train your Raichu to Lv. 100 if you want, and still teach it.


Shadow Amongst Light
Calm? More like Modest. Don't suggest HP Dragon or Hyper Beam ever, please.

Did you read the first post? he has a calm natured surfing pika..... not like he can change that. And HP dragon is what he stated it had. He also said he's trained it in sp atk. Focus Bomb could work as an alternative but its accuracy is only 70. For such a pokemon that has an attrociously small movepool as pika, Hyperbeam, as I stated, is a last ditch alternative that serves as a pseudo-explosion. I specifically listed HP dragon and hyberbeam last in the filler move's options because they are last ones you'd want.


^^Pure Genius

Why evolve it into a Raichu? Pika is completely better than Raichu :)


^^Pure Genius


Where is the rum?...
I hope you're joking. I really do.

;447;;448; i agree...richu and pichu is sooo better than that...mouse

i think

Rain Dance
And Agility

coz he can raise his speed with Agility before using Rain Dance then Surf..and if it hasnt fainted finish with Thunder...^^ thats my idea ;059;;197; ^^


Well-Known Member
Hidden Power [Dragon] is stupid.

Salamence, Altaria, Kingdra, and Dragonite all take more from Thunderbolt than Hidden Power [Dragon]. Surf is at least neutral on Flygon, and you should not leave Raichu in to take a STAB Earthquake.


Surf??? On A Raichu???



Of course, it’s been possible ever since the Yellow version. It’s just really hard to get.


Powerplay Champion
but holding leftovers

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Raichu could go pure special sweepage.

Timid Nature
- T-Bolt
- Surf
- HP [Grass / Ice] / Encore
- Sub

What's with D/P moves in a third generation RMT anyway? Geez people, common sense please.

Or just go with the T-Bolt / Sub / Focus Punch / Surf moveset. Go with Hasty, since Raichu has quite a bit of attack behind it to hit hard with Focus Punch.