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surskit in emerald?


christian 4ever
can you get surskit in emerakd?


Well-Known Member
the only way to mix records is with a link cable or wireless adapter. Sorry...


**Legendary Maven**

yep the only way is through is RECORD TRADE,yes you do need a link cable.If you dont have one.There is no way just trade it from someone.

I got mine from an outbreak after i mixed records with my sapphire!!!


Completing The Trio
i've never mixed records and i have a surskit in my emerald game


Ultimate Metal Fan!!
According to the Dex, you can't, but if you mix records with someone on R/S who is having a swarm of them, then you will get a swarm of them, but only for one day. I did, and I can't remember if it keeps reccurring.


Well-Known Member
If you can mix records with RS, it would be easier to just trade. The outbreak would be useful if you want to try for a shiny Surskit though.