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SW x1

Silver Wind

..blissfully unaware
Yup.. I've fiddle around with PhotoShop, but I never really got around to making a banner. So Here I am, nearly 2 a.m & just finishing my first banner. Took me awhile.. Seeing as photoshoppy skills don't come natural for me. BUT! Here is my first attempt, and I'm proud to say it sucks big bumb.. >>;


Why I made a Sig with a Care Bear, I don't even know, but yeah.. .-.
Now I'm off to go attempt to make this stupid program work for me.. Yeah.. Post if you want?


Salingerian Phony
Oh man...I'm having trouble recalling his name. It certainly wasn't Random Bear...was it Luckyheart?

Silver Wind

..blissfully unaware
Oh man...I'm having trouble recalling his name. It certainly wasn't Random Bear...was it Luckyheart?
I know its not Random Bear.. >> It was Good Luck Bear..

Heres something I just finished, and I actually like it.. Ledian <3

Yeah.. Its plain.. But I'm sorta getting the hang of it now. ;o