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Swampert_guy's Sprite Request Thread


Well-Known Member
Since my last thread died, I started a new one. From left to right, octibird, dunbull, and bufform. I'm taking requests.
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Well-Known Member
No. I'm no good at trainers, or customs. But I can do mixes and recolors of pokemon.

king krab kingler

Okay thanks alot can you recolour a rayquaza making it red white and blue.

White where it is really green
Red & Blue for it's patterns!!!!:D


Well-Known Member
And, here are some sprites i made of pokemon I made up. From left to right, Fyround, Surftangle, and Grassquare.
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king krab kingler

Can't you WBG it no,and whats with those boxes at the bottom?
Jess,no wonder you got no equests..........


Well-Known Member
Those boxes were so i could use the eyedrop tool instead of keeping them on my color pallet. The only other part I can understand is "Geez. No wonder you got no requests..."( which is rude, btw ). What's WBG?

king krab kingler

Removew the background from an image so It becomes transparent,I am sorry for being rude,can I make it up to you with a TC,request at my shop if you like,I'll make you 2 since I stupidly offended you :D:D