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Swapet In Da Unown!

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Well-Known Member
One day my brother was in rixey chambers (Tanoby ruins) look ing for a B unown. Suddenly in the middle of the room came a SWAMPET!!!!!! It had the normal attacks but a swapet in rixey chamber's has got to be unbelevalble! I BET YOU DON'T BELIVE THIS BUT IT HAPPENED!!! It propaly happened by a giltch or something...............

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
Yeah and I am a monkey uncle.

I don't believe you as you didn't show any proof what so ever. So in other word you are lying.


Live Long & Prosper
A guy I know was toying around in Silver's Alph Ruins, and he found a Misdreavus.

Post a pic of the Swampert's Trainer Memo.


< they saw me coming
really......care to show proof? what is a swapet? swampert maybe, I havent a clue. you are most likeley lying because you are a n00b, which means *gets out rapier* its time to n00b slay!. Hey they don't call me the n00b_slayer for nothing. im just joking about reaping you, n00b.


Live Long & Prosper
It probably didn't happen. Ya shoulda posted it in the Glitch disscusion... that would get you a better answer.

n00b_slayer, I had proof, but I think the site it was on was baleeted. Yep, defanatly. Wait, were you using a cheater's device? That's your answer right there.

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Obsessive Beader/Mod

1. Spell check is your friend. Make an EFFORT to type so that people can understand you, otherwise you're just spamming.

2. If this really happened and you can provide some proof, post in the Glitch sticky, where is there for (GASP!) posting glitches.


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