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Swearing in Fics

Brian Random

Alongside being a judge of ‘Roses and Chocolates: A Romantic One-Shot contest’, a proud writer of my main fics of the Pokemon Impact series and my respective one-shots, a member of Iceking’s and Tale's ‘Series of Pokemon Battles’, I’m currently writing a Christmas chaptered comedy fic, which should be completed for this December. My problem right now, some of the chapters contain a lot of swearing because of a fictional family is made a parody version of a real-life family. Let give you an example, let’s ask Maggie Tuskbourne, who’s one of the characters, of what she thinks of me…

She says:

Most of the part is capitalised because it shows Maggie yelling. I noticed that it can be annoying so here’s version 2.

“The (BLEEP!)er has only gone and starred me in that (BLEEP!)ing fic! I’d rather go star in (BLEEP!)ing Steven Spielberg’s (BLEEP!)ing Star Wars! And I really (BLEEP!)ing hate him and that (BLEEP!)ing film! Pokemon Impact!? Pokemon (BLEEP!)ing Impact!? *Shows fist* Impact this, you (BLEEP!)ing (BLEEP!)! I (BLEEP!)ing hate him with a (BLEEP!)ing vengeance! *Suddenly calms down and becomes passionate* But he does have amazing talent, though, and his user title jokes are funny.”

1. You noticed that I replaced the swear words with (BLEEP!) a number of times. I thought they’re funny but I have a feeling that you guys may not like it. If not, then I’ll stop the (BLEEP!)ing and replace them with those * symbols.

2. I was thinking of rating my Christmas fic PG13, but what do you think?

3. Which one’s better, capitalised version or non-capitalised version?

4. Any other opinion?
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Coral Eye Trainer
Well, that certainly shows the versatility of the word. :p

But anyway, the constant (BLEEP!)s make it quite hard to read, especially if you capitalize the words. I think if you use **** instead, it's way easier to the eyes.


Well-Known Member
BUT (BLEEP) is funnier I think, far funnier. Without the bleeps, the comedy leaves, and what we're left with is a huge congregation of pointless swear words. So I say keep the (BLEEP)in bleeps.

Definately PG13 though, although the swearwords are cesnsored, they're still there, and we all get a little shocked if we hear some celebrity say (BLEEP) on a live awards show or something.

I think the capatalised version is funnier. But I dont know, depends what others think.

My last opinion is: 'A Series of Pokemon Battles' is owned by me too you know ;-; *runs away with flailing arms*.

Elemental Charizam

Sudden Genre Shift
Well, considering the style I think it'd be funny (if you're into that kind of humour, of course) with the bleeps or with the asterisks. he bleeps are easiest to read with the whole thing in caps in my opinion, so maybe stick with the caps = yelling thing if you stick with the bleeps.


Don Ledianni
Go with the bleeps. I know you know I use asterisks. Actualy, I don't. Joe's programming in the Fic section puts the asterisks there anyway. My copy on my harddrive has the words itself.

Anyway, if bleeps make it funnier, go with it.



Well-Known Member
All-caps dialogue is never needed. In fact, it's not even recognized as an effective way to show that a character's voice is raised. It's very rare to see professionally-published works of any kind with text--especially dialogue--written in all caps. The few exceptions include when the author is showing the reader the actual printed text of a sign or computer readout (many of Michael Crichton's novels do this).

There's a reason for this, and on the chance that someone balked at that paragraph and what it claims, let me explain the reason as best I can.

When someone is reading text that is properly capitalized, the text takes on some transparency as they read (barring spelling mistakes, typos, etc.). The mind is able to focus on the information moreso than the words providing it. In the case (no pun intended) of writing in all-capital letters, it becomes very, very obvious to the mind that it is reading text. This is fine, however, if the author wants you to be aware you're reading text (thus it's used for transcribing signs, computer screens, etc.). It pulls you out of the story, to a degree. Look at it carefully next time you encounter all-caps dialogue. Take a mental snapshot of the first thought to go through your head. Now determine which thought came first: "This character is shouting," or "The writer switched to all-caps just now."

Be honest. ;)

Why do comic books tend to use capital letters for their speech balloons, then, even when the characters aren't shouting every word? That's to keep the reader from thinking that the words are a part of the actual scene being drawn. No, really, that's the reason! The transparency has to be kept away, and early comic-book letterers found that all-capital writing was better at staying on the reader's side of the fourth wall.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like the non-caps version more. ^^;

Timid Kyogre

Endangered Creature
Keep the BLEEPs, and keep it capitalized, because she's yelling. Just don't make the whole thing in capitals, or else nobody will read it...or maybe it's just me D:

Yes, rate it PG13, and I suggest that you place a warning in the first post that it might contain swearing etc.

Although I don't think you should worry about the 'little kids' I'm twelve and I swear a lot xP besides, it's not like they're NEVER gonna hear swear words. It's all over, and it's not gonna be the first time they hear it. Some might go "Ooo, baaaaaad wooords :eek:!" etc.


Good luck.

~Timid Kyogre

Ace Kenshader

Dreaming sexy
1. Well, using the (BLEEP!) does tell when a really bad word is in the house, so keep those
2. Depends on what kinds of swear words are in there, crap,and hell are not really bad swear words, so those can rated PG-13, as for other words in the swear dictionary, they can be raised to something like 16 and over

3.Well, the capitilization will spell out massive grammar problems in Microsoft Words (trust me, it will >.>; ) So how about in some of the sentences, you place three excitement marks a.k.a !!!

4. I can't think of any other opinion ^^;
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Always watching...
Bleeps sound funnier to me than just plain asterisks. I support them fully!

Definitely PG13. Though the swear words themselves are censored, the swearing idea is still there and immature minds will just fill them out with the approapriate words, or in this case inapproapriate words. I really wish I hadn't taught my neighbour's kids the meaning of a certain word all those years ago... >_<"

All caps to show shouting is fine, but when long sentences of them appear it really is more annoying than useful. Keep the caps if you can break it up into shorter segments, but otherwise just go with normal capitalization.

Question: does it have to be all "BLEEP"s? Why not try using other stuff like "BLOOP", "SPOILER'D" or even "HEE-HAW"?


Charmingly Cynical
(BLEEP) and other various sound effects are comedic, but I'd just capitalize the sound effect, not the actual dialogue. My experience is if they're using that many swear words in their dialogue, it's a given that they're shouting, and there's no need to reinforce the face by conveying it in all caps.


Well-Known Member
BLEEP is too repetitiive however. Its comedic, but like all jokes, overuse kills it. Try to vary it, you (censored for public consumption)ing mother(cash register sound)er, go (DENIED)ing kill a god(bloop) bunny or something.


Just me
Personally, I think captializing shouts is okay but only for the very loudest bit to indicate that it's even louder than the rest. In your case I'd probably capitalize just the second "POKÉMON (BLEEP!)ING IMPACT!?" and perhaps a few words aside from that - your decision which, of course, since you'd have a better idea of it than I do.

And definitely (BLEEP!). Asterisks are not funny. Although yes, you could use something other than BLEEP, or even just draw it out like BLEEEEEP for some longer words.

Brian Random

Thank you. I’ll be taking everyone’s advice into account and the fic will placed here.

I’ll won’t do the capitalising stuff, it’s not good for the eyes *rubs them*. I’ll just state that the character is yelling his/her head off (not literally).

Still rating it PG13, but I will warnings about the swearing.

And the advice of replacing the bleeps, thanks you, I’ll be doing that too. I wanted to do it in a TV kind of way but I think this is much better...
“The (UH-UH!)er has only gone and starred me in that (OWNS!)ing fic! I’d rather go star in (D’OH!)ing Steven Spielberg’s (WOBBA!)ing Star Wars! And I really (CHA-CHING!)ing hate him and that (DON’T CHA!?)ing film! Pokemon Impact!? Pokemon (DRAGONFREE!)ing Impact!? *Shows fist* Impact this, you (FENIT!)ing (BOING!)! I (BLEEP!)ing hate him with a (WHOOPEE!)ing vengeance! *Suddenly calms down and becomes passionate* But he does have amazing talent, though, and his user title jokes are funny.”

My last opinion is: 'A Series of Pokemon Battles' is owned by me too you know ;-; *runs away with flailing arms*.
Sorry, Tale. Typo. *Corrects early statement*

I really wish I hadn't taught my neighbour's kids the meaning of a certain word all those years ago... >_<"
Your answer could’ve been ‘Ask your parents that.’

He heard some knocking on the door. With everyone else gone to their parties, Brian had no choice but to open the door himself. Upon opening the door, he was met by a group of young kids singing Christmas carols.

Silent night
Holy night
All is calm…

Having enough of their out-of-tune singing, Brian held his hand up, signalling them to stop. “Village halls, yes. Singing career, never,” he said, commenting on their singing.

The children had confused looks on their faces. “Do you know ‘little Bethlehem’?” he asked.

The children nodded in response.

“Then I suggest you go there!”

The child in front shook a little red box in front of him, making some coins rattle inside. It was a charity box but regardless what it was, Brian snatched it away from them. “Thank you,” he said before slamming the door in front of them.

The Brian character is based on me and Simon Cowell BTW. ^^
Once again, thanks.
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