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Sweet/Tart Apple Respawn and Location Help Thread


Since Crystal
I have already picked up my Sweet Apple from Hammerlocke and Axew's Eye. I have seen on Serebii that it sometimes respawns on Axew's Eye. I haven't been able to find information on how often the respawning happens. I have been waiting for weeks for mine to respawn with no luck.
  • Does anyone know how often Sweet/Tart Apple respawns or if there is something you are suppose to do to encourage a respawn?
  • Does anyone know of other locations that Sweet/Tart Apple can be acquired at beyond the guy in Hammerlocke and Axew's Eye?


Well-Known Member
I have already picked up my Sweet Apple from Hammerlocke and Axew's Eye. I have seen on Serebii that it sometimes respawns on Axew's Eye. I haven't been able to find information on how often the respawning happens. I have been waiting for weeks for mine to respawn with no luck.
  • Does anyone know how often Sweet/Tart Apple respawns or if there is something you are suppose to do to encourage a respawn?
  • Does anyone know of other locations that Sweet/Tart Apple can be acquired at beyond the guy in Hammerlocke and Axew's Eye?
It respawns in Axew’s Eye, but its a low rate at which they do and a daily chance.