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Swift Swimmer or Rain Disher?

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<-Don't wake him up!
This poll is about what's a better, more suitable ability for Luda aka Ludicolo. I find them both to be effective in their own way, and two different movesets that support each ability, but what are your people's thoughts?
As you said, both have support. But I'll have to go with the Swift Swimmer. This is a bit more effective, since the Rain Disher is easily screwed with a switch (The opponent loses Leech Seed.), and has less variety in Types. Against the CP, the Rain Disher is quite good, though. Miror B. won't let me lie. :D
Well,Swift Swimmer ONLY if you're sweeping,if you're seeding (FIRST THING: Baton Pass a Mean Look from Umbreon.) then go IceBeamTPunchSubseed with Rain Dish.


one love
I find the benefit from Swift Swim too great to ignore, compared to only Leftovers recovery for 5 turns. Speed makes or breaks the game, and a SS Ludicolo will be able to hit first and with more vigor, making the need for recovery much less pronounced.


Eh, ragazzo!
I vote for Rain Dish because it is more unique for Ludicolo to have and it supports the fact that he is a Mexican Kappa. 0.o


Back I guess??
leech seed + leftovers + raindance + rain dish = the most annoying set for ludicolos!!! (a toxic is also welcome)
I used this sometimes the HP recovered each turn reaches 100!!!


Well-Known Member
Ludicolo is too slow w/o SS.

Flying Tropius

Jolteon ^..^ said:
leech seed + leftovers + raindance + rain dish = the most annoying set for ludicolos!!! (a toxic is also welcome)
I used this sometimes the HP recovered each turn reaches 100!!!
oooooo don't forget g. drain


Back I guess??
yes, but this ludicolo mustn´t be the last of your team, if a grass/poison pokemon appears you have nowhere to go! ludicolo works execelent with skarmories in double battles, ludicolo poisons and skarmory switches, also ludicolo´s rain dance will take out skarmory´s weakness at fire!!!

Flying Tropius

TazzlerLuva said:
Ludicolo is too slow w/o SS.
Wallace's TM32 stalled me 15 turns before I put him in his place with fly on a lvl 83 raquazza! that thing! is! annoyinggggg!


I have one with Rain dish and one with Swift swim so I just mix and match them.


Back I guess??
--Pokemon-- said:
I have one with Rain dish and one with Swift swim so I just mix and match them.
a battle betwen ludicolos? this will take a long time... (exept if both has toxic, then will win who has the HP non divisible by 16)
No, Annoyer Ludicolo fails ._. Yhalothar switch, how be you? Yhalothar Sub, waddup brother? Yhalothar Aromatherapy, doing well?

Anyway, Swift Swim. You get infinite recovery with Leftovers rather than five turns, and Swift Swim ensures that Ludicolo will go first most of the time. However, Standard Ludicolo had neither. Why bother? Ludicolo's not a Speed Demon, so why make it one? It lives through a lot and it can rip through a lot, why bother wasting a moveslot to make it faster? Look at Snorlax, you don't Jask Pass to it, you just switch it in and attack. Same logic with Senor Ludi.

The 8th Champion


too bad lotad/lombre/ludicolo isn't to fast so swift swim can help them a bunch if they survive the round to use rain dance, but is hard to choose between it and rain dish...but for me rain dish is way cooler, but when rain dance ends you loose the ability so I really don't know what I would choose...
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