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Tactical Evolution Sneak Preview Card


Well it's most likely got something to do with those new Dual cards, but honestly it should have been Venom related imo.

That said, it's a Spellcaster and the Sneak Preview cards have been amazing so far so I have high hopes that this will be a decent enough card that can support Spellcaster decks as well as the Dual theme it is based upon.

Anything that can allow me to get Dark Magician out more and faster is good enough for me. ;)
Apprently the effect is:

Once per turn, during your opponent's Battle Phase, pay 500 Lifepoints to Normal Summon a Dual monster from your hand or your graveyard to the field. This turn that monster can't be destroyed by battle, damage is calculated normally.
Subject to change and all that, but based on the readable text it sounds likely.

Good for the Dual Theme...just like Volcanic Rocket and the Grandmaster of the Six Samurai....who knew these TGC only cards would be so helpful to the themes?


I am a glow worm...
According to the Wiki, it's any Monster...
Which will be good for ANY deck, right?


I don't think that effect is the real one to be honest, the Pedia did not cite any source in its information. Also, the effect doesn't make sense in some ways. Why would it say, you cannot Special Summon during this turn? Players don't usually (apart from a select few cards.) summon monsters in their opponent's turn unless it's through something like Magical Dimension or Call of the Haunted.

Just a thought.

Wikipedia =/= reliable source.


I am a glow worm...
It's as reliable as any other source on the Internet ;)
Seriously, it is: anyone can make a website claiming stuff, so nyeh :p

But it stops you using Scapegoat, the Dark World monsters etc... So quite a bit really...
But you do have to 500 Life Points. I know that much to be certain ;)


Most people dumb enough to make up lies which are obviously going to be countered soon or later don't bother to go to the time to make a website and advertise it so people know it's there for their lie to have effect. On the other hand, Wikipedia is easy to use and takes little effort.


I am a glow worm...
Easily corrected as well ;)

Anyway, I still think it's going to be Dual Monsters only...
But erm its clearly a fake effect anyway. On the scan look at the writing just under the big word "SUMMONER" and you can see 'ally)' as in the end of normally which points to '(Damage calculated normally)' card text. Which makes that effect even more bull. Because do you see any word with ally bracket on the end of the Wiki effect? I don't.

So erm...yeah its wrong no matter what you say to prove it right ;o If anyone tries to defend it.