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tag's d/p team

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Beginning Trainer
porygon z http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpmfa/dpmfa474.png
modest, ev's in hp and sp. att.
-tri attack
-ice beam

Yonowaaru: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa477.png

adamant, ev's in hp and special defense
-pain split
-brick break
-shadow punch

elikible: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa466.png

adamant, ev's in defense and attack
ability-electric engine
-thunder punch
-brick break
-fire punch

dosaidon: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa464.png

adamant, ev's in special defense and attack
-thunder fang
-mega horn
-poison stab

Dorapion: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa452.png

adamant, ev's in special defense and speed
-blade test
-cross poison
-scissor cross

Kaburaisu: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa445.png

adamant, ev's in sp. att and sp. def
ability-sand veil
-stone edge
-dragon drive/dragon claw (need to play test)
-posion stab


porygon z http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpmfa/dpmfa474.png
modest, ev's in hp and sp. att.
-tri attack
-ice beam

Needs more Adaptive imo, but w/e. Speed wouldn't go wrong as well.

Yonowaaru: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa477.png

adamant, ev's in hp and special defense
-brick break
-shadow punch

HP should be Maxed. Rest > Pain Split. Brick Break makes Bliss run away anyway, same with Snorlax. Put some into Attack and then the rest in defences of your choice.

elikible: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa466.png

adamant, ev's in defense and attack
ability-electric engine
-thunder punch
-Ice Punch
-fire punch

Ice Punch to scare the Dragons on switches. The defence EVs really won't help against anything. =/

dosaidon: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa464.png

adamant, ev's in special defense and attack
-Ice Fang
-mega horn
-poison stab

Earthquake does more to wtaers than non-STAB thunder fang. Ice Fang again for the dragons/flyers.

Dorapion: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa452.png

adamant, ev's in special defense and speed
-blade test
-cross poison
-scissor cross

don't see many problems but needs some Attack.

Kaburaisu: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa445.png

adamant, ev's in sp. att and sp. def
ability-sand veil
-stone edge
-dragon drive/dragon claw (need to play test)
-posion stab

Special Attack EVs are worthless here. =/
Move those SDef EVs into HP please.


Eerie Fuwante

Wasting my time
porygon z @Wisdom Glasseshttp://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpmfa/dpmfa474.png
modest, ev's in hp and sp. att.
-tri attack
-ice beam
Basic Boltbeam combo and Tri Attack for great STAB. Adaptive is great with it. Psychic is to take out Fighting types.

Yonowaaru: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa477.png

adamant, ev's in hp and special defense
-pain split
-brick break
-shadow punch

elikible: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa466.png

adamant, ev's in defense and attack
ability-electric engine
-thunder punch
-Cross Chop
-Ice Punch
Cross Chop is better then BB and Ice Punch is for Ground types.

dosaidon: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa464.png

adamant, ev's in special defense and attack
-thunder fang
-mega horn
-poison stab

Dorapion: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa452.png

adamant, ev's in special defense and speed
-blade test
-cross poison
-Ice Fang
Ice Fang for Ground types.

Kaburaisu: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa445.png

adamant, ev's in sp. att and sp. def
ability-sand veil
-stone edge
-dragon drive/dragon claw (need to play test)
Crunch is better then Poison Stab IMO

Comments in bold.


u might wanna put the ev spread as well as items mang.


Better Than Thou
3 year bump. I laugh insanely.
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