porygon z http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpmfa/dpmfa474.png
modest, ev's in hp and sp. att.
-tri attack
-ice beam
Yonowaaru: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa477.png
adamant, ev's in hp and special defense
-pain split
-brick break
-shadow punch
elikible: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa466.png
adamant, ev's in defense and attack
ability-electric engine
-thunder punch
-brick break
-fire punch
dosaidon: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa464.png
adamant, ev's in special defense and attack
-thunder fang
-mega horn
-poison stab
Dorapion: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa452.png
adamant, ev's in special defense and speed
-blade test
-cross poison
-scissor cross
Kaburaisu: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa445.png
adamant, ev's in sp. att and sp. def
ability-sand veil
-stone edge
-dragon drive/dragon claw (need to play test)
-posion stab
modest, ev's in hp and sp. att.
-tri attack
-ice beam
Yonowaaru: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa477.png
adamant, ev's in hp and special defense
-pain split
-brick break
-shadow punch
elikible: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa466.png
adamant, ev's in defense and attack
ability-electric engine
-thunder punch
-brick break
-fire punch
dosaidon: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa464.png
adamant, ev's in special defense and attack
-thunder fang
-mega horn
-poison stab
Dorapion: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa452.png
adamant, ev's in special defense and speed
-blade test
-cross poison
-scissor cross
Kaburaisu: http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/spri...a/dpmfa445.png
adamant, ev's in sp. att and sp. def
ability-sand veil
-stone edge
-dragon drive/dragon claw (need to play test)
-posion stab