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Take flight my pwetty

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Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Divine Dragon Ragnarok
Divine Dragon Ragnarok
The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion
The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion
Masked Dragon
Masked Dragon
Troop Dragon
Troop Dragon
Breaker the Magical Warrior
D.D. Warrior Lady
Cyber Jar
Red-Eyes B. Chick
Red-Eyes B. Chick
Magician of Faith

Premature Burial
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Giant Trunade
Super Rejuvenation
Super Rejuvenation
Smashing Ground
Lightning Vortex
Snatch Steal
Brain Control
Pot of Avarice
Dragon's Mirror
Dragon's Mirror
Stamping Destruction
Stamping Destruction
Inferno Fire Blast

Call of the Haunted
Royal Decree
Bottomless Trap Hole
Bottomless Trap Hole

King Dragun
King Dragun
King Dragun
Black Skull Dragon
Black Skull Dragon
Black Skull Dragon
Master of Oz
Master of Oz
Master of Oz
Thousand-Eyes Restrict
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He missed Lord Dragun I guess... And possibly Black Skull Dragon... And the least likely... Sanwitch...

Pot of Avarice sucks here... Darkness uses gravecards... Troops suck with only 2... Get a torrential... Get another Redeyes... darkness is hard enough to play in the first place... Dragons mirror wrecks grave because you remove from play... Not enough cards for agood metamorphissis take it out... best meta is with fusiler...


lol the only one you cant do with hex IS the Thousand Eyes...

Shadow the Hedgehog

If you add a Scapegoat you could meta into TER.

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
I decided to go with Armed Dragon instead in the past REDD and REBD were my signature cards and now it's time for the White Horn to rise.

Monster - 18
Masked Dragon
Masked Dragon
Masked Dragon
Armed Dragon LV 3
Armed Dragon LV 3
Armed Dragon LV 3
Armed Dragon LV 5
Armed Dragon LV 5
Armed Dragon LV 7
Armed Dragon LV 10
White Horn Dragon
Luster Dragon
Luster Dragon #2
Twin Headed Behemoth
Mirage Dragon
Spear Dragon
Element Dragon

Magic - 15
Level Up
Level Up
Level Tuning
Devil's Sanctuary
Devil's Sanctuary
Armed Changer
Armed Changer
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Giant Trunade
The Graveyard In The Fourth Dimension
The Graveyard In The Fourth Dimension
Premature Burial
Dark Hole
Lucky Mallet

Trap - 6
Ojama Trio
Ring Of Destruction
Call Of The Haunted
Draining Shield
Draining Shield
Graveyard Revival
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White Horn's Text Please... (Its that Super insane Light Dragon, Correct?)

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
White Horn Dragon
When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, select up to 5 Spell Cards from your opponent's Graveyard to remove them from play. For every card removed by this effect, increase this card's Attack by 300.
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