That Scary Clefairy
I <3 HK & BF
It seems he has been using photograh to his drawings for Slam Dunk. he an essay about the whole thing.
Also there is comparison picture for you to get the idea.
Tell me what you think of this?
After a convincing plagiaristic report of the manga Flower of Eden. It seems Takehiko Inoue himself has been plagiarising the photos of NBA players.
This has sparked a montrous thread in japanese forums where nearly over thousand posts were made in one night, at a single forum site.
Japanese people who are protecting Takehiko Inoue say that, Takehiko Inoue himself admitted that he will be relying on NBA as critical resource.
However, according to law concerning copyright of photographs. One cannot intentionally copy the photos of another person without proper permission or any kind of contract, sponsor, or license.
As the manga Slam Dunk still sells in printed format, it will be a question to wait and see what will happen, although it is most unlikely that any original photographers, especially being American and not really aware of the manga industry would ever notice this.
Now...for my opinion.
I think this is quite a shame for Takehiko Sensei.
I still am a great fan of his works and respect his ability to create an august storyline, however I myself who plan to go into the field of manga industry cannot hold back the feeling of betrayal.
Alot of Manga artists, korean and japanese alike have had tremendous respect towards the abilities of Takehiko Sensei.
His work Slam Dunk especially has been a great influence for many artists. Who mostly admired his ability to create great composition and details in the mangas he drew.
Now, to find out that an abundant amount of scenes within his work Slam Dunk are just exact copies of photos taken by other artists, which he never even had the permission to copyright of is dissappointing.
I cannot picture myself to think that Takehiko Sensei with knowledge of what plagiarism is, intentionally copied these photos without the consent of those photographers who took them.
I am certain, he has lost his respect in the eyes of many manga artists. Because now it is evident that Takehiko sensei, no matter how he tries to make an excuse by saying he was making a "reference". He was merely copying them with tracing paper.
I really have no interest in the legal issues ha may have to handle in his upcoming days.
I am more concerned with those new and old mangakas, korean and japanese, who have had so much respect for Takehiko Inoue sensei's ability. Only to know now that he has been plagiarising.
I am truly hurt for myself, and others who have always admired Takehiko Sensei. For all the respect he had been given by those who repsect him, he has given dissapointed to those who may have looked up to him as an influence.
Legal issues only require court dates, fines, and loss of respect from those who may only ever notice himif he ever comes live on TV.
But leaving such dissapointment in those who admired him. That's quite a pity.
Also there is comparison picture for you to get the idea.
Tell me what you think of this?