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TC shop!


Bullet Punch
If you would still like a card, PM me.


Form(Copy and Paste it into your PM to make sure your request gets through!)

Background(provide me with a link):
Trainer Sprite(I have all sprites, but no DP. If you'd like a DP sprite, provide it for me.):
Poke Box Transparent(The background of the pokemon boxes white or transparent. If you'd like a special color, tell me): Yes(Transparent) or no(White)
Pokemon(up to six):

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Bullet Punch
Please don't let this shop go to the dogs. I enjoy making these.



Codenumber 242
Border colour: Yellow
Badges: Hoenn
Background: Anything blue.
Pokemon: Altaria, Shiny Latias, Latias, Flygon, Latias (again), Espeon


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
Name: VaUgHaNy
Background: Mountains or summit along those lines
Color: Anythin dark (grey) (black) etc
Trainer Sprite:Gary (with back showin 2wards u)
Poke Box: Yes
Pokemon(up to six): Sneasel, Absol, Houndoom, Murkrow, Shiftry, Sharpedo
thank u in advance :)


Bullet Punch
I'm working on them. Should be done soon. Sorry for the late reaction, I've been extremely busy for the last few days.

Edit: More CPU problems. You're requests will be done tomorrow. Also Eonteam, use the form. I will now pick a random trainer sprite.

Eonteam- I can't make heads or tales out of this form. Your request has been denied.

Vaughany- Working on yours.

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