Welcome to the TCG Images Face-off!
Odd, I beleive I sent this in already, oh well...
The Dark Face-off Version 2, at the time I am writing this, has had a slowing of posts, in contrast to the flourishing Grass Face-offs. Why is that? Its newest face-off, the TCG images, is a REALLY LARGE voting (as of now) face-off, rivaling The Experiment in amount of time in a single face-off. Well, there is good reason for that. Spriters make their own sprites in the pkmn style so they can make their “own” pkmn, and because the pkmn style has many lovers (many fangames get made of pkmn style sprites, without it necessarily being pkmn). With all of this attention on sprites, people truly miss the pinnacle of pkmn artwork, the TCG. If the TCG used the Sugimori art for every single card, the card makers would lose their audiences REALLY QUICKLY, as there are countless people out there who collect cards solely for either their “strength” or their “prettiness”. When one actually sits down, picks a single pkmn, and looks up all of the different cards of it, they see so many different views of a single pkmn. We will explore that here.
Please note, this face-off is artwork-centric, I could care less how useful a card is in a TCG deck (that can be either Avegaille’s or a new face-off). So, please go by the artwork of the pkmn solely, and also, when not the same pkmna re facing-off, please do not vote by which you like better, please vote by the pkmn within the “environment” the artist gave it. Exceptions are strong dislikes, such as if, in my case, it was a Metagross and a Solrock.
Rules in this face-off are identical to that of the Dark Face-off Version 2. I see little reason in keeping many different lists of rules that get updated frequently, when I can have one that gets used at multiple places.
Voting is once every day. Each round, unless stated otherwise, is first to ten wins. These are--unless otherwise stated...and this may have some strange rounds, as well…
We all, if we have seen TCG cards, probably have favorite images. Of course, this is hard to pick one with so many out there, we will try our best to reach one:
Face-off One-Members’ Choice
Here, each user is entitled to two nominations once, where they nominate the pkmn and set of their favorite two TCG images. Once we reach 32, perhaps, we begin, though we can work with any number. M-nominating may be allowed, let us see how popular this becomes…
Nominate away! Blame IMS if nominating is boring…
Odd, I beleive I sent this in already, oh well...
The Dark Face-off Version 2, at the time I am writing this, has had a slowing of posts, in contrast to the flourishing Grass Face-offs. Why is that? Its newest face-off, the TCG images, is a REALLY LARGE voting (as of now) face-off, rivaling The Experiment in amount of time in a single face-off. Well, there is good reason for that. Spriters make their own sprites in the pkmn style so they can make their “own” pkmn, and because the pkmn style has many lovers (many fangames get made of pkmn style sprites, without it necessarily being pkmn). With all of this attention on sprites, people truly miss the pinnacle of pkmn artwork, the TCG. If the TCG used the Sugimori art for every single card, the card makers would lose their audiences REALLY QUICKLY, as there are countless people out there who collect cards solely for either their “strength” or their “prettiness”. When one actually sits down, picks a single pkmn, and looks up all of the different cards of it, they see so many different views of a single pkmn. We will explore that here.
Please note, this face-off is artwork-centric, I could care less how useful a card is in a TCG deck (that can be either Avegaille’s or a new face-off). So, please go by the artwork of the pkmn solely, and also, when not the same pkmna re facing-off, please do not vote by which you like better, please vote by the pkmn within the “environment” the artist gave it. Exceptions are strong dislikes, such as if, in my case, it was a Metagross and a Solrock.
Rules in this face-off are identical to that of the Dark Face-off Version 2. I see little reason in keeping many different lists of rules that get updated frequently, when I can have one that gets used at multiple places.
Voting is once every day. Each round, unless stated otherwise, is first to ten wins. These are--unless otherwise stated...and this may have some strange rounds, as well…
We all, if we have seen TCG cards, probably have favorite images. Of course, this is hard to pick one with so many out there, we will try our best to reach one:
Face-off One-Members’ Choice
Here, each user is entitled to two nominations once, where they nominate the pkmn and set of their favorite two TCG images. Once we reach 32, perhaps, we begin, though we can work with any number. M-nominating may be allowed, let us see how popular this becomes…
Nominate away! Blame IMS if nominating is boring…