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Team Aqua Lovers Club V 2.0

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Old school
This has been approved by Togechikku!

Since the original Team Aqua Lovers Club has basically fallen into disarray, I have gotten permission to restart it and run it right!

Anyone who likes Team Aqua is more than welcome to join! As you all probably know, the aim of Team Aqua is to expand the watermasses of the planet to create more habitats for the water Pokémon of the world, which may seem odd to some, but is perfectly reasonable when you think about it!! Just fill out the form and you're in, but if anyone breaks the rules more than three times, you can't come back. I am a very law-abiding person... I'll be watching you like a hawk.... XD! And by the way, If you were a member of the original Team Aqua club you are entitled to membership here automatically.

The Sign-up Sheet

1. Your rank in the club: Aqua Leader BD
2. Your name in the club: Aqua Leader BD
3. Your favourite water Pokémon: Golduck
4. Your six Aqua Pokémon: Gyarados Ludicolo Crawdaunt Walrein Sharpedo Starmie
5. Why you like Aqua more than Magma or Rocket: They have a better cause, and water types are legendary.
6. Why you joined this club: I started it to revive the glory of Aqua again. Basic stuff.
7. What do you honestly think of the Team Aqua uniform?: Archie's suit rocks. Too bad he wasted the entire Team's uniform budget on it.
8. Which Squad do you want to be in? This effects missions:
The extremely covert operations department -> Echo Squadron (the sneaks)
This group deals with the missions like sneaking into secure areas to battle and/or lay bombs/devices in areas like a rival base. All these places have been allocated.

The mechanical operations and capture team -> Reef Squadron (the brains)
This group deals with the mechanical and technical end of things, working up our main battle plans and creating the technology for it, and therefore go and capture pokémon for us also. You do the missions where technology is the key, and you also get to ride in my tank... More details as they come.

The heavy artillery and strike team division -> Omega Squadron (the brawn)
This is the division that does the main amount of hardcore battling for us. Everyone gets to battle, but the sole purpose of this division (under my personal supervision) is to purely locate and eradicate all enemy forces, taking you all over Hoenn, Johto and Kanto.

The Rules

1. No swearing
2. No spamming
3. No flaming
4. No bashing the other team's threads. If anyone goes into the Magma or Rocket thread to start spamming and fighting with them you will be kicked out instantly. I take that kind of behaviour very seriously. It's only a bit of fun after all!!
5. No outsiders. If I catch other clubs coming in and breaking my rules (pay special heed to No.4) I will get a Mod straight away. We're respecting your clubs, respect ours. I am not getting involved in some sort of gang-war here.

The Members

Aqua Retired Leader Bd (Omega)
Aqua Leader Alyssa (Reef)
Aqua Leader Cari (Echo)
Aqua Co-Leader Chrom (Reef)
Aqua Admin Blue (Reef)
Aqua Admin Brad (Reef)
Aqua Admin Monkey (Reef)
Aqua Admin MM (Echo)
Aqua Admin Silver (???)

That's it! Have fun! ^_^
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Helix Irving

Sup BD.
Rank- Admin
Name- Either Inu or Hiei, don't care......
Fav Water- Kyogre
Team- Cloyster, Huntail, Gorebyss, Lanturn, Kingdra, and Vaporeon
Like Aqua- Because they're so cool, AND they have one of the BEST types.......WATER!!
Joined- Tried in the first, didn't exactly make it........plus ya PMed me.
Suit- Um.........Next question????

onix lord

Well-Known Member
Yay, a recreation of the Aqua club!

1. Your rank in the club: Admin
2. Your name in the club: Admin Jon
3. Your favourite water Pokémon: Huntail
4. Your six Aqua Pokémon: Huntail, Walrein, Blastoise, Gorbyss, Kingler, Tentacruel
5. Why you like Aqua more than Magma or Rocket: A world filled with water is a happy world.
6. Why you joined this club: Love for water pokemon
7. What do you honestly think of the Team Aqua uniform?: It could use a few touch-ups


Old school
Perfect! I am also going to have a second-in-command, but that'll be decided later on when I get to know y'all a bit more... And once all the Admin places are filled I'll start giving out the missions. I like your answer to the uniform question Jon...

Scorching Kamekaze


after all weve been through BD... you betrayer... you squendler...

Aqua shall fall once more!
~Crystal Steelix~

Lamington Luffy

I'm gone, bye.
Fellow twin BD!.My sister was hogging the computer.

1. Your rank in the club: Admin
2. Your name in the club: Blue
3. Your favourite water Pokémon: Suicune
4. Your six Aqua Pokémon: Blastoise, and the rest are elite treeckos
5. Why you like Aqua more than Magma or Rocket: Water is my type, I HATE FIRE! & Rockets killed Latios
6. Why you joined this club: Because I missed the chance of getting into the old one & like I said, WATER RUELZ
7. What do you honestly think of the Team Aqua uniform?: Pirates---->Seven seas---->Water---->Perfect
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Old school
Good stuff! Yes, of course you can have a Treecko.

And by the way people, is "squendler" a word? Last time I checked CS, you weren't too fond of outsiders coming into your club, so I suggest you take a gander at rule No.5 up there. I'm not letting this club go the way of the last one with a gansey-load of spam in it. This is for fun. Lets keep it that way. ^_^
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uh ya i dont like being in here but togechikku said that i had to ask the team members about making my Team Shade...its a team in the future past aqua, magma, rocket, and sky...there is another team but i im not gonna make it someone else is... The idea of the new teams is to basicly bring together them old teams listed above together to be on the same side for once...so i needed to ask you so wat do u say???

Dark Deoxys

Hive Trainer
I'm the one making the other team to combat team shade.


Old school
Wha....? Ok STT, run that by me again... are you saying that aqua magma and rocket will be combined? And DD whats this other team you're talking about?

Dark Deoxys

Hive Trainer
We are making two mare tems that are rivals.But they take place after TR TM and TA so we can stay in our current teams.


No they wont be combined...its just the teams we are making are past aqua, magma, rocket, and sky. So that the members of those teams can be on the same side for once...ok

and also wat ^ said


Old school
so for instance I'll still be in aqua, STT'll still be in magma and DD will still be in rocket(whatever happened to that clubs thread?)?

Dark Deoxys

Hive Trainer
Hey STT I'm allowed to make corona right?BTW sorry for posting here...

EDIT:Right.BTW if anyone knew what happened to rocket tell me ASAP.

Travis: Storm Trainer

1. Your rank in the club: Admin
2. Your name in the club: Aqua Admin Travis
3. Your favourite water Pokémon: Remorade
4. Your six Aqua Pokémon: Wartortle, Crocanaw, Marshtomp, Octillery, Gyradoes, and Wishcash
5. Why you like Aqua more than Magma or Rocket: They Have Better Pokemon and a Better Plan
6. Why you joined this club: I LOVE TEAM AQUA!
7. What do you honestly think of the Team Aqua uniform?: No Coment at all

Yo BD!

Dark Deoxys

Hive Trainer
Okay cool.Thanks batdude.


dd wat about stt so can i...without Team Shade wat will Team Corona do...

Dark Deoxys

Hive Trainer
Yeah I know.BTW STT I think we should list what types we'll use.My team is going to use fire,electric,and grass types.I'll let STT say his...
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