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Team Building Help Thread


I need some help with my Zoroark which I want to use in OU, I currently have this


Item: Choice Scarf
Nature: Modest (+SpAtk -Atk)
EVs: 252 SpAtk/ 4 Atk/ 252 Spd
-Night Daze
-U Turn
-Focus Blast

I want to use it as a Special Sweeper, the Choice Scarf is there since it outpaced very often by other Choice Scarf users, which defeats its entire purpose.
It currently has a weakness to fighting types which I'd like to be able to counter, but I'm not sure as to how I'd do that... Also is U Turn worth keeping if its Scarfed?
Finally what would you recommend I accompany it with? (Nothing from the Ubers) Both as Illusion fodder and generally.


I want to build a relatively balanced team around Lucario and Volcarona, preferably around the following sets:

Lucario*Life Orb
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
-Ice Punch

Volcarona*Life Orb
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
-Quiver Dance
-Bug Buzz
-Fiery Dance
-Giga Drain
What do I need to support them both? Is it even possible to build a team around them?


Active Member
Well this is my first team iv been geting alot of help and advice but think iv took some advice in, heres my first attemp at a team as its hard to get my head around type coverage etc. so help wanted please on anything and a possible 6th member or can change them all around of i have to as i have most pokemon flawless. Also not had a battle yet with any off then so wouldnt mind a few

1. Hydreigon, expert belt
Mild levitate
252 att, speed 4 hp
Focus blast
Draco meteor
U turn

2. Gengar black sludge
Timid, levitate
252 speed, spatt
Shadow ball
Destiny bond

3.scizor steel plate
Adamant technician
248 hp, 252 atk, 8 speed
U turn
Bullet punch
Bug bite
Swords dance

I think the evs need changing??

4.starmie natural cure
Timid leftovers
252 sp atk, speed
Thunder bolt
Ice beam

5.milotic ?
Bold marvel scale
248 hp, 252 def, 8 speed
Ice beam
Dragon tail


I no it needs alots of improvement so thats why iv put it on here so please help



Flawless Collecter
Well this is my first team iv been geting alot of help and advice but think iv took some advice in, heres my first attemp at a team as its hard to get my head around type coverage etc. so help wanted please on anything and a possible 6th member or can change them all around of i have to as i have most pokemon flawless. Also not had a battle yet with any off then so wouldnt mind a few

1. Hydreigon, expert belt
Mild levitate
252 att, speed 4 hp
Focus blast
Draco meteor
U turn

2. Gengar black sludge
Timid, levitate
252 speed, spatt
Shadow ball
Destiny bond

3.scizor steel plate
Adamant technician
248 hp, 252 atk, 8 speed
U turn
Bullet punch
Bug bite
Swords dance

I think the evs need changing??

4.starmie natural cure
Timid leftovers
252 sp atk, speed
Thunder bolt
Ice beam

5.milotic ?
Bold marvel scale
248 hp, 252 def, 8 speed
Ice beam
Dragon tail


I no it needs alots of improvement so thats why iv put it on here so please help


some quick points:
if u want to run hydriegon as a mixed sweeper, use superpower over focus blast because it is more reliable and the attack drop doesnt hurt hydriegon much. also u should go 4 att/252 sp att/252 spd. gengar looks good, but u can consider using focus blast over destiny bond for much better coverage. for scizor, if u wanted to hit really hard right away, just run a choice band set with u-turn, bullet punch, superpower, pursuit. if u wanted sword dance, u-turn wouldnt be extremely useful but use bug bite, bullet punch, superpower. for starmie, the set u have is good, personally i like choice specs/trick starmie, but another set that would be useful for ur team would be to run rapid spin over recover to get rid of sr/spikes. personally, i dont think milotic is very good, although he can be useful. especially since u arent using any entry hazards, dragon tail isnt very useful. in my opinion u should drop milotic and possibly hydriegon and maybe add salamence/dragonite/latios (in place of hydriegon if dropped), conkeldurr/scrafty, and/or heatran


A monument to all your sins
Hello, I'm trying to make a rain team, but I don't know what to add. Also, change anything changeable.

Politoed @ Choice Specs
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Grass]

Tornadus (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Focus Blast
- Taunt
- Tailwind

Thundurus-Therian (M) @ Expert Belt
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Atk
Hasty Nature
- Thunder
- Hidden Power
- Superpower
- U-turn

Starmie @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Rapid Spin
Hello, I'm trying to make a rain team, but I don't know what to add. Also, change anything changeable.

Politoed @ Choice Specs
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Grass]

Tornadus (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Focus Blast
- Taunt
- Tailwind

Thundurus-Therian (M) @ Expert Belt
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Atk
Hasty Nature
- Thunder
- Hidden Power
- Superpower
- U-turn

Starmie @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Rapid Spin

I would suggest adding Dugtrio to trap and get rid of Ninetails and Tyranitar.

The standard set is Dugtrio @ Focus Sash
Trait: Arena Trap
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Reversal
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Stealth Rock


Hello, this is my first competitive team. I was just wondering if there are any obvious problems with it? Any help is appreciated.

Politoed w/ Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Toxic
- Protect
- Ice Beam

Primary Pokemon on a rain team. I went with a defensive set so I can start the rain up later if it gets cancelled out by something else.

Gastrodon w/ Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Relaxed Nature
- Scald
- Recover
- Earthquake
- Toxic

Decided to use Gastrodon to take electric hits. If I end up replacing Jirachi with Jellicent I would have 3 Pokemon weak to electric.

Breloom w/ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Spore
- Low Sweep
- Mach Punch
- Bullet Seed

Physical sweeper of the team. I considered going bulky w/ Toxic Orb but I think my team is bulky enough as-is.

Starmie w/ Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Surf
- Thunder
- Ice Beam
- Rapid Spin

Rapid Spinner with good coverage. Starmie does a good job dealing with Spin Blockers.

Ferrothorn w/ Leftovers or Rocky Helmet
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 48 Def / 208 SDef
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball

Hazards. Extra bulky in the rain especially vs Fire.

Jirachi w/ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 236 SDef / 20 Spd
Calm Nature
- Iron Head
- Protect
- Wish
- Thunder

Considering replacing with Jellicent so I can block Rapid Spins. Also, I plan on making this team on BW2 soon and it will be much easier to get a good Jellicent than a good Jirachi.
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Sonic aficionado
This is my...competitive team, I guess(at least main team) in White 2, and I don't really bother much with items, I just kinda go with the flow. Also, I know little about EVs or IVs but I can't get myself to care enough to find out. Also, I know I need to levelgrind some of them.

So, without further ado, here's my team:

Erin (Aggron) Lv. 52
Hasty nature
Quick to flee
Ability: Rock Head
HP: 145
Atk. 132
Def. 180
Sp. Atk. 73
Sp. Def. 78
Spd. 82
Rock Slide
Iron Tail
Iron Head

Brooke(Vaporeon) Lv. 73
Impish nature
Somewhat stubborn
Ability: Water Absorb
HP: 298
Atk. 121
Def. 121
Sp. Atk. 159
Sp. Def. 167
Spd. 115
Aurora Beam
Hydro Pump

Rush(Arcanine) Lv. 60
Lax nature
Capable of taking hits
Ability: Intimidate
HP: 192
Atk. 163
Def. 138
Sp. Atk. 136
Sp. Def. 107
Spd. 138
Fire Fang
Flame Charge
Flame Wheel

Frostbite (W. Kyurem) Lv. 72
Lonely nature
Likes to fight
Ability: Turboblaze
HP: 274
Atk. 222
Def. 135
Sp. Atk. 255
Sp. Def. 159
Spd. 159
Ice Burn
Icy Wind

Frenzy (Hydreigon) Lv. 66
Docile nature
Good endurance
Ability: Levitate
HP: 207
Atk. 156
Def. 142
Sp. Atk. 172
Sp. Def. 127
Spd. 138
Dragon Pulse
Hyper Voice
Dragon Rush
Draco Meteor

Ivy (Carnivine) Lv.58
Calm nature
Ability: Levitate
HP: 161
Atk. 108
Def. 94
Sp. Atk. 118
Sp. Def. 104
Spd. 67
Energy Ball
Grass Knot
Power Whip


Pokemon Master
Hey guys, I'm also new to competitive battling but I am familiar with EVs, IVs and Natures. I am confused about the tiers; how do I know if I'm playing within a certain one? I'm going for a offensive sweeper team.
Here's the Pokemon I've decided on so far;

Hydreigon - Modest
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Moveset: Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Earthquake
This Pokemon is here to stay so please don't say to replace it with another Dragon! This moveset covers ALOT of types but I'm not sure if I should keep Earthquake. Also, I'm not sure what item I should have him hold.

Well, that's the only Pokemon I've decided on. I'm looking for Pokemon who counter Hydreigon's weaknesses but I'm not sure which ones I should go with! Your help is greatly appreciated. :)
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they call me Varanus
This is my...competitive team, I guess(at least main team) in White 2, and I don't really bother much with items, I just kinda go with the flow. Also, I know little about EVs or IVs but I can't get myself to care enough to find out. Also, I know I need to levelgrind some of them.

So, without further ado, here's my team:

Erin (Aggron) Lv. 52
Hasty nature
Quick to flee
Ability: Rock Head
HP: 145
Atk. 132
Def. 180
Sp. Atk. 73
Sp. Def. 78
Spd. 82
Rock Slide
Iron Tail
Iron Head

Brooke(Vaporeon) Lv. 73
Impish nature
Somewhat stubborn
Ability: Water Absorb
HP: 298
Atk. 121
Def. 121
Sp. Atk. 159
Sp. Def. 167
Spd. 115
Aurora Beam
Hydro Pump

Rush(Arcanine) Lv. 60
Lax nature
Capable of taking hits
Ability: Intimidate
HP: 192
Atk. 163
Def. 138
Sp. Atk. 136
Sp. Def. 107
Spd. 138
Fire Fang
Flame Charge
Flame Wheel

Frostbite (W. Kyurem) Lv. 72
Lonely nature
Likes to fight
Ability: Turboblaze
HP: 274
Atk. 222
Def. 135
Sp. Atk. 255
Sp. Def. 159
Spd. 159
Ice Burn
Icy Wind

Frenzy (Hydreigon) Lv. 66
Docile nature
Good endurance
Ability: Levitate
HP: 207
Atk. 156
Def. 142
Sp. Atk. 172
Sp. Def. 127
Spd. 138
Dragon Pulse
Hyper Voice
Dragon Rush
Draco Meteor

Ivy (Carnivine) Lv.58
Calm nature
Ability: Levitate
HP: 161
Atk. 108
Def. 94
Sp. Atk. 118
Sp. Def. 104
Spd. 67
Energy Ball
Grass Knot
Power Whip

In complete honesty, the only way you will ever win a competitive battle online is if you EV-train. It's good to have Pokemon with high IVs in the right stats, but it's nowhere near as important as EV training. Everyone in the competitive scene EV-trains, which makes it almost impossible to win without an EV-trained team. However, if you want to try out your team without EV-training, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying that if you lose more than you win, it's probably due to EVs, not due to the fact that you have a bad team.

Now, onto your team. The big, huge, glaring issue I see with this team is the repetition you have in each Pokemon's attack types. For example, take your Vaporeon - you have THREE water moves! That is not necessary in any way. You need ONE water move, and because your Special Attack is higher than your attack, it should be Surf, because Surf is one of the strongest Special water moves that Vaporeon can learn. Get rid of Hydro Pump and Waterfall, and replace them with coverage moves (i.e., moves that have a typing that will be super-effective against Vaporeon's weaknesses). And Arcanine has FOUR fire moves!!! There's no way it stands a chance in a competitive battle.

When you are choosing moves for your Pokemon, you need to consider whether they are a physical attacker or a special attacker, and choose moves based on that. It's also better if your Pokemon have the right natures to go with whether they're a special or physical attacker, and none of your Pokemon have the right natures. In some cases you can have mixed physical/special attackers, but in order to pull that off, you really need to breed for the right nature and EV train the Pokemon properly or it will be bad at two things instead of good at one thing. So here are my suggestions for your improved movesets. I also included a better nature for each one, but you can ignore that if you want to continue using the Pokemon you have:

Aggron (Adamant):

Head Smash
Heavy Slam
Fire Punch/Aqua Tail

Vaporeon (Bold):

Wish/Roar (Wish is an egg move so if you don't breed a new one, you can't use it)
Scald/Surf (Scald is better because of the chance to burn)
Ice Beam/Toxic

Arcanine (Adamant)

Flare Blitz
Extremespeed (Arcanine must have Extremespeed to be viable competitively, because it is so slow)
Wild Charge/Crunch (Crunch if you don't want the damage from Wild Charge, since two other moves cause recoil)
Close Combat

Kyurem-W (Modest/Timid)

Draco Meteor
Ice Beam
Fusion Flare
Roost/Focus Blast/Earth Power

Hydreigon (Mild/Rash)

Draco Meteor
Fire Blast
Superpower/Dark Pulse

Carnivine (Jolly/Adamant)

Swords Dance
Power Whip
Sleep Powder

Carnivine is WAY outclassed by pretty much every Grass-type ever. Its very poor Speed, Defense, SpDef, and HP mean that it'll be OHKO'd by almost anything that it goes up against competitively. I suggest that you replace Carnivine with something like Breloom or Ferrothorn.
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Gasai Yuno

New Member
I decided I'm going to build a team around Kyurem-B simply because his attack is monstrous and I want to take advantage of it
so here we go

Item: Choice Scarf
Nature Lonely
EV's: 4HP | 252Atk | 252 Spe
Move's: Outrage | Dragon Claw | Fusion Bolt | Ice Beam
IV's 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 27 | 31(HP Dark unfortunately)

With a base speed of 95 Kyurem isn't going to be outright sweeping teams on its own, choice scarf changes this however, I chose a lonely nature over jolly because kyurem wont outpace most choice scarf users in ou even with a jolly nature like jirachi and salamence, even jolly haxorus but with a lonely nature it can still outspeed choice scarf Timid heatran and has enough power to 2HKO with fusion bolt its also faster than +1 dragonite and +1 gyarados +1adamant haxorus and can OHKO all of them with outrage(yes even with multiscale intact)

Item: Choice specs
Nature Timid
evs: 150HP | 252Sp.Atk | 108 Spe considering changing to 38|252|220 to outspeed max speed scizor
Moves: Thunderbolt|Volt Switch|flash cannon|hidden power fire
31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 |30 hp fire70

the only thing that can withstand kyurems outrage are steel types, most of with are still 2HKO'd by it so magnezone does what it does best, need a second opinion on the iv spread? the extra hp evs come in handy and make magnezone less of a one-dimensional pokemon resists steel and dragon type moves aimed at kyurem and the odd ice beam

Item: Eviolite
Nature: Bold
Ev's: 252 Hp | 252Def | 4 Sp.def
Move's: Stealth rock | Seismic toss | counter | softboiled
31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31

An absolute animal and can take almost any hit with ease, can survive a +2 cloysters icicle spear and can KO it with counter unless its holding kings rock, also sponges draco meteors and sets up stealth rocks
well that's what I have so far this is where I need your help
obviously i have a HUGE weakness to fighting types namely scarf/sub terrakion and and stall teams especially stall sand and rain teams(toxic spikes)
Kyurem-B's main counters consist of:
Steel types-especially scizor/jirachi and heatran
Hippowdon-can spam slack off and stall outrages immune to fusion bolt and because of the nature of choice items passive damage from sandstorm/stealth rock and spikes this is a horrible match-up sure theres ice beam but an experienced player will know whats going on once they realise it has a scarf
faster dragons-scarf salamence,haxorus,latios
poison heal gliscor unless I nab it with ice beam on the switch because they always carry protect
priority users

So I need members of my team to:
1. cover my fighting type weakness
2.deal with hippowdon/faster dragons/gliscor
3. Have great synergy
4. possibly a rapid spinner or magic bounce
5. a way of dealing with faster choice scarf users and priority like staraptor/jirachi/salamence/terrakion/keldeo/ anything over base speed 95 and mainly breloom and lucario prankster & Landorus-T users can sometimes be annoying to

If possible I would like my team to be as offensive as possible because chansey brings a massive amount of bulk to the team and magnezone hardly pulls its own weight after eliminating the steel types


New Member
Hi i am working to make a competative team and i want to use alot of the pokemon i have there trained good but i cant seem to make good teams with any of them so if you could help me pick the right pokemon to make a team out of i would apreciate it. Also the main pokemon i want to keep is my lucario out of all them.
Pokemon: (includes 6th gen and megastones)


they call me Varanus
Hi i am working to make a competative team and i want to use alot of the pokemon i have there trained good but i cant seem to make good teams with any of them so if you could help me pick the right pokemon to make a team out of i would apreciate it. Also the main pokemon i want to keep is my lucario out of all them.
Pokemon: (includes 6th gen and megastones)

This is just me, but what I see here is the makings of a Sandstorm or Rain team. Because you haven't said what any of your Pokemon's natures, moves, or abilities are, this is difficult to do. But here's what I think:

Lucario, Scizor, and Tyranitar all benefit from being on a Sandstorm team, assuming that your Tyranitar has Sand Stream. However, Lucario and Scizor are both very weak to Fire, so they could also be on a Rain team, along with Weavile. Salamence would take damage from the sand, and so it would be better on a Rain team. Lucario, Weavile, and Scizor are all late-game sweepers, though, and you don't need three late-game sweepers. You need an entry-hazard setup, a wall or two, and maybe a Rapid Spinner or a Reflect/Light Screen user. Plus all of your Pokemon's abilities and moves need to coincide. So basically without natures/abilities/moves, we can't really be much help.

Manectric, Noivern, Flygon, Sceptile, and Heliolisk aren't really very good competitively. Venusaur is ONLY useful competitively if it has Chlorophyll and is on a Sun team.


Well-Known Member
Hi i am working to make a competative team and i want to use alot of the pokemon i have there trained good but i cant seem to make good teams with any of them so if you could help me pick the right pokemon to make a team out of i would apreciate it. Also the main pokemon i want to keep is my lucario out of all them.
Pokemon: (includes 6th gen and megastones)

This is just me, but what I see here is the makings of a Sandstorm or Rain team. Because you haven't said what any of your Pokemon's natures, moves, or abilities are, this is difficult to do. But here's what I think:

Lucario, Scizor, and Tyranitar all benefit from being on a Sandstorm team, assuming that your Tyranitar has Sand Stream. However, Lucario and Scizor are both very weak to Fire, so they could also be on a Rain team, along with Weavile. Salamence would take damage from the sand, and so it would be better on a Rain team. Lucario, Weavile, and Scizor are all late-game sweepers, though, and you don't need three late-game sweepers. You need an entry-hazard setup, a wall or two, and maybe a Rapid Spinner or a Reflect/Light Screen user. Plus all of your Pokemon's abilities and moves need to coincide. So basically without natures/abilities/moves, we can't really be much help.

Manectric, Noivern, Flygon, Sceptile, and Heliolisk aren't really very good competitively. Venusaur is ONLY useful competitively if it has Chlorophyll and is on a Sun team.
Actually, with the nerf of weather, it's not a reliable strategy anymore. It can still be pulled off, but it's not gamebreaking anymore.

Mega Venasaur is actually competitively viable, thanks to it's fantastic bulk, and I know form first hand experiance that Mega Manectric/Noivern make excellent volt turners. However, you can only use one Mega Evolution, and this team is based off Lucario, so let's just stick with that.

It's easiest to make a team around a pokemon if it's a late game sweeper, and Lucario just so happens to be excellent at that. There are two specific sets that stick out to me.

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Jolly/252 Att/252 Speed
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
-Bullet Punch

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Timid/252 Sp.att/252 Speed
-Nasty Plot
-Aura Sphere/Flash Cannon
-Vacuum Wave
-Shadow Ball(Not dark pulse anymore because faries)

After that, it is all about clearing the way for Lucario to sweep. Since Bulky Offense will be ruling the gen 6 metagame, a volt turn team seems most fitting to me, and Flygon, Noivern, and Scizor can all pull this off. After that, I'd reccomend a Rotom-W set of your choice, since it will provide excellent synergy with Scizor.

For Noivern, Boomburst will actually do more damage than Dragon Pulse. If you want, you can also get one with a modest/mild/rash nature instead of timid one, since it'll be fast enough to outrun 108 base speed pokemon.

The basic idea I think will work well with Volturn is to find the pokemon that can stop Lucario's sweep, and take them out. For example, if you're using Nasty Plot Lucario and your opponent has an assault vest Goodra, your first priority would be to take that Goodra out. However, which pokemon will stop Lucario will depend on it's set, so I'll let you decide on that before going further.
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New Member
Hi guys, could you please give me some ideas on how to round out this team? it's a generation 3 team for battling against friends, not of any specific tier but we are generally avoiding using the major overpowered pokemon - so I guess it's mostly BL/UU and under. this will be for playing in game rather than on a battle simulator and I doubt anyone will be hardcore EV training, but feel free to give some suggestions for that too.

Venusaur: Leftovers - Careful

Sludge Bomb
Sleep Powder
Leech Seed
Razor Leaf /Giga Drain

Lapras: Leftovers - Bold

Ice Beam
not sure about the last move, maybe Toxic?

Hypno: Leftovers - Bold

Thunder Wave

Heracross: ??? - Adamant - Guts

Break Brick
Mega Horn
Rock Slide
Swords Dance

I really don't know how best to round this out, I know I am missing a physical wall, rock resist and a flyer, amonst other things, but I'm just not sure what would fit best with this type of lineup.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Sonic aficionado
Hey, guys, I'm back~

Now I still haven't really done any competitive battling, but I've decided that I'm going to build a team around Hydreigon.

I still have Frenzy, my Lv. 67, docile-natured Hydreigon. His moveset is Dragon Pulse, Thief, Draco Meteor, and Dragon Rush. His stats are HP 210/Atk. 19/Def. 145/Sp. Atk. 175/Sp. Def. 128/Spd. 140. Good endurance.

I also have a Lv. 31, serious-natured Deino with Slam, Dragonbreath, Dragon Tail, and Crunch. HP 75/Atk.50/Def.36/Sp. Atk. 40/Sp. Def. 37/Spd. 29. Highly curious. I'm planning on evolving her if she works better.

Which one would work better? Or should I keep breeding? What natures work best? Is there a certain Pokemon I should breed a Hydreigon with? I have lots of questions since I'm not entirely familiar with all this EV/IV/nature stuff.

EDIT: Oh, and of course, recommend any other Pokemon I should use. :3
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ok well im a evee team lover and i play competitive pokemon
i have a tournament soon and my im unsure of my team
yet i have
vaporeon flareon
espeon leafeon
umbreon jolteon


The Spazzing Porygon
Can anybody tell me if this team is good for 4th Gen?
;242; Bold Blissey (leftovers)
Soft Boiled
Ice Beam
;205; Modest Forretress (Leftovers)
Stealth Rock
Toxic Spikes
;213; Lonely Shuckle (King's Rock)
Power Trick
Stone Edge
Trick Room
;065; Modest Alakazam (Focus Sash)
Shadow Ball
Charge Beam
;291; Hardy Ninjask w/Speed Boost (Focus Sash)
Baton Pass
Swords Dance
Bug Buzz
;442; Spiritomb w/Wonder Guard (Leftovers)
Ice Beam


AKA Treecko
Can anybody tell me if this team is good for 4th Gen?
;242; Bold Blissey (leftovers)
Soft Boiled
Ice Beam
;205; Modest Forretress (Leftovers)
Stealth Rock
Toxic Spikes
;213; Lonely Shuckle (King's Rock)
Power Trick
Stone Edge
Trick Room
;065; Modest Alakazam (Focus Sash)
Shadow Ball
Charge Beam
;291; Hardy Ninjask w/Speed Boost (Focus Sash)
Baton Pass
Swords Dance
Bug Buzz
;442; Spiritomb w/Wonder Guard (Leftovers)
Ice Beam

I suggest you change some moves because some moves you use right now are not very useful. Also consider changing some pokemon as a whole, seeing as you lack some important type resists such as water, fire and flying. I'd get rid of Shuckle and add in a water-type (Empoleon, Suicune, Starmie, Swampert, Vaporeon are all good options). As for move changes:

Blissey: toxic>psychic and seismic toss>ice beam
Forretress: gyro ball>waterfall
Shuckle: pretty sure it can't learn trick room, as I said it is best to replace shuckle as a whole.
Alakazam: focus blast>recover
Ninjask: substitute>earthquake and x-scissor>bug buzz
Spiritomb: Wonder Guard is (unfortunately lol) not a legal ability on spiritomb. Also, sucker punch>ice beam.

The team can be decent once these changes have been made. Hope this helped.


New Member
Help improve my team please

Infernape LV:48
Moves: Flamethrower,Stone Edge,Shadow Claw,Mach Punch

Lucario LV 49
Ability:Inner Focus
Moves: Dragon Pulse,Psychic,Aura Sphere,Dark Pulse

Roserade LV50
Ability:posion Point
Moves:Sludge Bomb,Shadow Ball, Magical Leaf, Mega Drain

Gabite LV 46
Ability:Sand Veil
Moves:Earthquake,Slash,Dragon Claw,Dig

Luxray LV49
Moves:Thunder Fang, Charge Beam, Crunch, Spark

Currently Leveling Gliscor
Gliscor LV 22
Ability:Sand Veil
Moves:Ice Fang,Fury Cutter,Knock Off, Quick Attack