This is my...competitive team, I guess(at least main team) in White 2, and I don't really bother much with items, I just kinda go with the flow. Also, I know little about EVs or IVs but I can't get myself to care enough to find out. Also, I know I need to levelgrind some of them.
So, without further ado, here's my team:
Erin (Aggron) Lv. 52
Hasty nature
Quick to flee
Ability: Rock Head
HP: 145
Atk. 132
Def. 180
Sp. Atk. 73
Sp. Def. 78
Spd. 82
Rock Slide
Iron Tail
Iron Head
Brooke(Vaporeon) Lv. 73
Impish nature
Somewhat stubborn
Ability: Water Absorb
HP: 298
Atk. 121
Def. 121
Sp. Atk. 159
Sp. Def. 167
Spd. 115
Aurora Beam
Hydro Pump
Rush(Arcanine) Lv. 60
Lax nature
Capable of taking hits
Ability: Intimidate
HP: 192
Atk. 163
Def. 138
Sp. Atk. 136
Sp. Def. 107
Spd. 138
Fire Fang
Flame Charge
Flame Wheel
Frostbite (W. Kyurem) Lv. 72
Lonely nature
Likes to fight
Ability: Turboblaze
HP: 274
Atk. 222
Def. 135
Sp. Atk. 255
Sp. Def. 159
Spd. 159
Ice Burn
Icy Wind
Frenzy (Hydreigon) Lv. 66
Docile nature
Good endurance
Ability: Levitate
HP: 207
Atk. 156
Def. 142
Sp. Atk. 172
Sp. Def. 127
Spd. 138
Dragon Pulse
Hyper Voice
Dragon Rush
Draco Meteor
Ivy (Carnivine) Lv.58
Calm nature
Ability: Levitate
HP: 161
Atk. 108
Def. 94
Sp. Atk. 118
Sp. Def. 104
Spd. 67
Energy Ball
Grass Knot
Power Whip
In complete honesty, the only way you will ever win a competitive battle online is if you EV-train. It's good to have Pokemon with high IVs in the right stats, but it's nowhere near as important as EV training. Everyone in the competitive scene EV-trains, which makes it almost impossible to win without an EV-trained team. However, if you want to try out your team without EV-training, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying that if you lose more than you win, it's probably due to EVs, not due to the fact that you have a bad team.
Now, onto your team. The big, huge, glaring issue I see with this team is the repetition you have in each Pokemon's attack types. For example, take your Vaporeon - you have THREE water moves! That is not necessary in any way. You need ONE water move, and because your Special Attack is higher than your attack, it should be Surf, because Surf is one of the strongest Special water moves that Vaporeon can learn. Get rid of Hydro Pump and Waterfall, and replace them with coverage moves (i.e., moves that have a typing that will be super-effective against Vaporeon's weaknesses). And Arcanine has FOUR fire moves!!! There's no way it stands a chance in a competitive battle.
When you are choosing moves for your Pokemon, you need to consider whether they are a physical attacker or a special attacker, and choose moves based on that. It's also better if your Pokemon have the right natures to go with whether they're a special or physical attacker, and none of your Pokemon have the right natures. In some cases you can have mixed physical/special attackers, but in order to pull that off, you really need to breed for the right nature and EV train the Pokemon properly or it will be bad at two things instead of good at one thing. So here are my suggestions for your improved movesets. I also included a better nature for each one, but you can ignore that if you want to continue using the Pokemon you have:
Aggron (Adamant):
Head Smash
Heavy Slam
Fire Punch/Aqua Tail
Vaporeon (Bold):
Wish/Roar (Wish is an egg move so if you don't breed a new one, you can't use it)
Scald/Surf (Scald is better because of the chance to burn)
Ice Beam/Toxic
Arcanine (Adamant)
Flare Blitz
Extremespeed (Arcanine must have Extremespeed to be viable competitively, because it is so slow)
Wild Charge/Crunch (Crunch if you don't want the damage from Wild Charge, since two other moves cause recoil)
Close Combat
Kyurem-W (Modest/Timid)
Draco Meteor
Ice Beam
Fusion Flare
Roost/Focus Blast/Earth Power
Hydreigon (Mild/Rash)
Draco Meteor
Fire Blast
Superpower/Dark Pulse
Carnivine (Jolly/Adamant)
Swords Dance
Power Whip
Sleep Powder
Carnivine is WAY outclassed by pretty much every Grass-type ever. Its very poor Speed, Defense, SpDef, and HP mean that it'll be OHKO'd by almost anything that it goes up against competitively. I suggest that you replace Carnivine with something like Breloom or Ferrothorn.