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Team Fakedex!!!


Diagura Is The Best

I have made the baby kangaskahn> http://i15.*******.com/33tt5eb.png
This'll be Darkmond> http://i9.*******.com/2j2tgyd.png
And the water starter will be Penaqua> http://i15.*******.com/2e5va5s.png
[And remember this is team work] -also dont bother posting if you got no sprites unless it is positive feedback, Thanks
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Local Dragonmaster
I believe this is still a project, so since it's in this section, I'm gonna crit your sprites.

The baby kangaskhan is the size of a minisprite... it's WAY to small to be an actual pokemon.

Your penguin's outline is light in random areas.. it should be light in tint (highlight) areas and dark in shade areas. It also should have another blue shade added to the base.

No comment on the purple horse thing. =/

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
I believe it is still a topic too :) And I'll also take that on the chin and crit them instead.

The baby kangaskan is a mini sprite, so that doesn't really count :)

The Penguin thing looks very flat, therefore the shading needs work.


ok. u put this in the Sprite section so i shall crit them. 1. 2 small. make them bigger. 2. More color. them are very bland. 3. Shading makes them oh so much better. Frankly these are just average work. nothing even close to amazing. needs a LOT of work


If this is a personal fakedex, theres no reason for it to be closed.. it would still be a sprite thread (just in list format).. just dont try to recruit other peoples fakes..

anyways.. about the sprites.. the 'kangaskid' (which is what its called in my fakedex) looks great but is way too small.. try to make it closer to Pichu's size..

the others need alot of work.. the penguin is just a blue penguin.. not distinguished about it at all.. make some bubble patterns on it or a mulitcolored beak.. all Im saying is you have to make them unique somehow.. the horse (?) is too dark, even if it supose to be purple it would still be seen as a brighter shade because battles are during the day and should have some seen light source hitting it..

hope i was of some help..

Nobody's Nerd

Electric Engine
The kanga baby is way too small. The penguin is good, but the actual sprite itself looks kind of weird, and it's kind of a boring stance. Darkmond is pretty good.

Umi Mizuno

☠ one girl army
[If I got the attention of a moderator then know this isnt a PROJECT it is a Team effort so NO BEING A SMART ALICK and saying rule 7 ok?]

Anyway I think we should all get our best pokemon creations{Sprites} and post them here and make a fake dex.
You do realize Team Effort = Project right? *edits to change that*

And for the rest of you, whoever is going to go "OH NOEZ ITZ STILL A PROJECT ZOMG" don't do it, you'll just be SPAMing.