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Team Gold..... REDONE!! :O omg.

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Goin' all the way back to 5th grade, people! :eek: Pokemon Gold was the first Pokemon game I ever had. Ohhh the good times in Johto. <3 ^-^ So close to being GoldL here, 's not even funny.

I'm loosing your interest, so I'm gonna cut to the chase. These 6 were my first team of lv. 100 Pokemon. I love 'em all, no replacements, but suggest ANYTHING for MS/Natures/EVs and stuff like that.


Rate away! o.< <3

(M)Venusaur (Sassy Nature) @Leftovers **Vern
EVs: 252 Hp, 100 Def, 44 Sp.Attack, 114 Sp.Def
-Razor Leaf
-Leech Seed
-Sleep Powder
-Sludge Bomb/Synthesis

^-^ Good ol' Venusaur. He's too cool.

original MS: said:
-Razor Leaf
-Sleep Powder
-Leech Seed
I'm gonna post their original MS. Go ahead and laugh. 's the comic relief. Headbutt WAS Solar Beam a long time ago

(M)Charizard (Lonely/Hasty Nature) @Leftovers **Blaze
EVs: 252 Speed, 100 Sp.Attack, 158 Attack
-HP Flyin' edit
-Over Heat
-Swords Dance

The #1 reason why I love Charizard. He's just.... a classic member to me. Don't say he sucks. Thas just your opinion.

Original MS: said:
-Swords Dance
._.; Toxic used to be Fire Blast a while back

(M)Blastoise (Bold Nature) @Leftovers **Shelldon
EVs: 252 Hp, 200 Defense, 58 Sp.Defense
-Ice Beam
-Rapid Spin

:3 another starter yes, but he's nice. Hazer.

Original MS: said:
-Ice Punch
Ice Punch was Blizzard until last year lol

(M)Tyranitar (Quiet Nature) @Leftovers **Tama
EVs: 252 Hp, 68 Speed, 190 Sp.Attack
-Focus Punch

's BOAH. o_O lol I love him.

Original MS: said:
-Rock Slide
-Double Team
's the DOUBLE TEAM!!! XDDDDD total newbie back then

(M)Dragonite (Jolly Nature edit) @Leftovers **Slinky
EVs: 252 Attack, 176 Speed, 82 Hp edit
-Focus Punch
-Dragon Dance edit
-EQ edit
-Aerial Ace/HP Flyin' edit

Dragon Dancer. Another classic Pokemon. <3

Original MS: said:
-Wing Attack
lol he used to have.... HYPER BEAM/Steel Wing/Fire Blast/Surf. lol that was a while ago.

(F)Blissey (Bold Nature) @Leftovers **Cutie
EVs: HP 214, Def 252, SpDef 44 edit
-Softboiled edit
-Seismic Toss
-Ice Beam

Bliss! XD I love her too. Just.... cool. <3

Original MS: said:
-Flash/Defense Curl (can't mumember)

okay. Thas it. Help please. Any suggestions? I CAN'T replace Pokemon.
You have some screwed EV's,here's the EV's for Boah and Bliss:

For Boah...

EVs: 252 HP / 70 Spd / 188 SAtk

Bliss EV's:

EVs: 201 HP / 252 Def / 57 SDef


The Bliss EVs should be HP 214/ Def 252/ SpDef 44
and Softboiled>T-wave..

Boah doesn't have to outrun Weezing imo a thick old
Crunch will put the hurt on it and you have a Cleric
if it stays in to try and burn you..

Give Dragonite HP/16 and some good Spatt..

Obiwan Shinobi

Heatwave kinda sucks IMO.

I lke Flamethorwer, but Overheat if you want.


prophecy fulfilled
Hiraitos Zero aka OCZ, the tyranitar in your sig has the wrong name more like 'boah'


If you don't outrun Weezing your Focus Punch will be useless.

Horn Drill

Aerial Ace is kinda pointless on Charizard if you have Earthquake, Overheat, and Rock Slide. =/

Max Speed Venusaur is pimptastic.

Horn Drill

SapphireL said:
Huh. why? o_O; explain please.

Because Aerial Ace doesn't really kill anything new. :(

Anywho,HP Flying>Aerial Ace,almost all servers have a script that doesnt let Double Team be used.

Horn Drill

SapphireL said:

so no AA? o_O; It's kinda for STAB...

never mind. Does HP Flyin' work?

I'd either have Aerial Ace or Rock Slide, I guess. =/

Horn Drill

SapphireL said:
which one es better? o_O

Aerial Ace is really only good for Heracross.

... Max Speed Venusaur... >_>
Horn Drill said:
Aerial Ace is really only good for Heracross.

... Max Speed Venusaur... >_>
ohhh... :/

no Max Speed Vern. u_u 's not funny.

Soooo thennn... I got no AA, and yes HP Flying? o_O


prophecy fulfilled
belly drummed eq/rock slide doesn't ohko max hp/def milotic, whilst hp flying belly drummed does

thats a good enough reason
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