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team heroes v.s. team villans

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this is a rpg where some heroes(maximum 10) are going to a place master battle island but these villans(maximum 10) want to steal there pokemon in this rpg you can play as a hero or villan(hero:you face 10 florrs of battles,you must stop team villans and must snag at least 10 wild shadow pokemon or villans shadow pokemon)(villans:must steal all of the heroes pokemon)here are the rules

1.if you have say 3 players and only had 2 entry formes you loose 2 charecters(note:if you have any number over 1 of charecters and had 1 or over entry forms you are left with just one trainer)
2.be nice
3.you can have the snag machine from xd and collusseum
4.have fun

here is the entry form:


here is mine:
Pokemon:Salamence,Dragonite,Blaziken,Metagross,Tyranitar,and secret pokemon(legendary also if you have a legendary you can call it a secret pokemon you do not have to do this)ok here you anyone start who wants to play
items:Ultra balls,snag machine,dark balls(snag balls)(in this rpg they upgraded the dark balls to have 100% on shadow pokemon) and pokedex


here is the link to my trainer card
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