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Team Hydro Rocks!!


Well-Known Member
Ok i *did not find this out by myself*. someone on the forum posted this.I know it said to use articuno( before i had articouno i used my castfrom from Mt. Faraway) so i go to gulpins house and teach articuno powder snow again. then i link agility, then mind reader, then powder snow. I go to team hydro and i use my linked move. articuno uses agility link. and it kills everybody but blas. then since the agilty lets me attack twice i use my ice beam which attaks blas from far away. I use this because of all the dojo things this one gives me the most exp so my poke get a lot of exp in like 5 min. i got 4,249 exp my first time.( i mean only the team. does not include the way to 3rd floor)
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They said:

1) Recruit Articuno
2) Teach it Powder Snow
3) Link Mind reader & Powder Snow
4) Go to the Team Hydro Maze
5) The link can defeat Feraligatr and Swampert
6) Blastoise should still be standing, take it out with Articuno's Ice Beam.
7) EXP.

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
Woah that's awesome.
Thats weird... why is there a thread about this? Shouldnt it be in Most Recent Happinings Thread??


Onions? Where??
cool, might try it


There also is an easy way for training Magnemite there, the Poliwags in that maze are weak so it doesn´t bother your Magnemite.. When you reach Team Hydro, use Supersonic on all three the Pkmn..then just Sonic Boom them to death (Sonic boom always does 55) Wham!


<-- Solves any case!
For exp, go to western cave and survive, almost all pokemon give you 1000 exp when you defeat them with a move and are with 3.

To let a low level survive:
1. have lots of reviver seeds
2. have lots of food (otherwise you'll be using reviverseed on your self)
3. have many max-elixer
4. switch leader with the pokemon closed to the attacker if the weakest is attacked.
5. Clear the dungeon.


Hikari Trainer
Cool i'll use it to train my new starters from waterfal cave, wveryn hills and jouyous tower. I know sp.


ooo, what's cooking?
this thread should be renamed the "Best place to get EXP thread"
U r completely right, the first time i went thru Western Cave, my lvl 69 charizard was lvl 76 at the end of the dungeon, and all kno how slowly charizard lvls up :D


Hikari Trainer
this thread should be renamed the "Best place to get EXP thread"
U r completely right, the first time i went thru Western Cave, my lvl 69 charizard was lvl 76 at the end of the dungeon, and all kno how slowly charizard lvls up :D

yeah me and my Blastisode partner 38. So i whant to train charizard and every other starter to atleast 40.


I wanted ketchup!!!
Yeah i will try that too


Pokemon with Heat Wave linked with some other move would work. It'd help clear the dungeon, and destroy Team Hydro in one or two turns. Helps train your weaker Pokemon, too.


Well-Known Member
Yes, of all the dungeons in the Dojo, Team Hydro is obviously the best choice for EXP.
You can train your weak Pokemon there.