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Team Hydro


I got the nintendo power strategy guide, and in the pokedex for Blastoise, Feraligatr, and swampert, it says you can recruit them at the makuhita dojo.


Well-Known Member
I would use a Level 40 Pikachu with 4x Thunderbolt and used Calcium and Ginseng so I can defeat them very easilly.


Well-Known Member
I have the guide also...
Let me check.
Hmm... It does.


*Evolves from Wartortle at Level 36
*Western Cave 89F-98F, Mukuthita Dojo 3F (Team Hydro)
*Leader must be at Level 90 with Friend Bow


Well-Known Member
In the guide, it doesnt have a rate %, it has things like Very Unlikely, or Likely.
Blastoise is Very Unlikely.


Well-Known Member
I didn't think so either, but I have the Official Nintendo Power guide for PMD, and it says you can restrict them (check my post above).


I have it too and it shows where you FIND the pokemon not just where you recruit it.


Well-Known Member
But it does say that it is Very Unlikely that it will join, so there is a chance for them to join.


Well-Known Member
I never even noticed this before, I always use the site for the Pokemon, I use the guide for the dungeons/items.


Well-Known Member
You know, its probably wrong.
NP has a tendency to write faulty information.

and they say you need to be lvl.90+joy ribbon for a lot of things....


Well-Known Member
I never said it was right.
Personally, I dont care, since I would rather just level up...
Nup no pokemon can be recruited in the dojo even if they have a high chance of joining normally.

The only place you can get one is floor 89-98 of western cave and they have a -33.9% of recruitment so with the max 34% bonus it only has a 0.1% chance of joining. ;123;


The Flygon fanatic
Nup no pokemon can be recruited in the dojo even if they have a high chance of joining normally.

The only place you can get one is floor 89-98 of western cave and they have a -33.9% of recruitment so with the max 34% bonus it only has a 0.1% chance of joining. ;123;

...perhaps the pokemon at the dojo are all -33.9%.
No there are lots of pokemon on floors 1 & 2 with quite high recruit rates but it isnt possiblt to recruit there.

I think all the starters highest evolution have a -33.9% or impossible recriut rate. ;123;


The Flygon fanatic
No there are lots of pokemon on floors 1 & 2 with quite high recruit rates but it isnt possiblt to recruit there.

I think all the starters highest evolution have a -33.9% recruit rate. ;123;

Uhh, I meant that they where all at -33.9% by the dungeons settings, and I was reffering to the bosses aswell.

Shrine Sprite

eh...? This will be nice to know... as soon as I get 50 levels higher. <_<